Princess Cubb
Staff Writer
Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” Covid-19 has most definitely impacted the world with darkness
As communities have reopened, people are understandably eager to be able to go out and resume some of their regular activities; all while social distancing, wearing masks, and hand washing.
When a person is exposed to coronavirus, it can take up to two weeks before they become sick enough to go to the doctor, get tested and have their case counted in the data. And that’s if they are not asymptomatic.
It takes even more time for additional people to become ill after being exposed to that person, and so on.
Several cycles of infection are likely to occur before a noticeable increase shows in the data that public health officials use to track the pandemic. Public health officials have warned that cases of COVID-19 would likely increase as Americans spend more time inside during colder weather.
More than 10,000 of the job openings will be licensed pharmacy technicians who could administer coronavirus tests and vaccines.
Health experts fear that America is staring down the barrel of a third wave of coronavirus infections which are due to coincide with flu season.
“Additional team members typically are needed every flu season,” said Lisa Bisaccia, Chief Human Resources Officer from CVS Health.
Even though CVS beefs up their staff every flu and holiday season, they are looking for pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, member benefit case professionals, and distribution center employees for hire.
The reason being, CVS needs help distributing a COVID-19 vaccine when one becomes available and if the government allows pharmacy technicians to administer it. The company added that many of the positions are temporary with the possibility of becoming permanent.
Around the fall and winter months, the flu and other common colds go crazy this time of year, but because of the coronavirus, extreme precautions are underway.
According to John Hopkins University, there are more than 8 million cases of Covid-19 within the United States and roughly 220,000 deaths. Not only is CVS getting ready for the second wave, students at Jackson State University are trying to get ready in all aspects for when the second wave hits.
Sean Taylor, a graduate student from St. Louis, Mo., agrees that extra precaution is highly needed, but should definitely read up on the vaccine before going to get it.
“As a healthcare administration graduate, taking care of yourself is top priority,” said Taylor. “I would just recommend not going to get the vaccine without knowing every little bit of detail about what they are injecting in your system.”
Patrick Bridges, a senior business management major from St. Louis, Mo., wanted to know why there is a second wave.
“I kinda figured a second wave would happen, but I did not think it would happen this soon,” said Bridges.
Health experts have issued warnings that the upcoming flu season mixing with the ongoing coronavirus could prove disastrous for public health on many fronts.
CVS expects to administer 18 million flu shots this year in an attempt to keep flu infections under control, a jump from the 11 million it administered last year said CVS spokesman Joe Goode.
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