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JSU SGA Constitution Revisions

Click here to download 2014-2015 Constitution Revisions

Reorganization of the Article Names

Article I: Name and Objectives
Article II: General Organization
Article III: Membership
Article IV: Executive Branch
Article V: Legislative Branch
Article VI: Judicial Branch
Article VII: Class Council
Article VIII: Campus Activities Board
Article IX: Impeachment
Article X: Ratification of the Constitution
Article XI: Method of Amendment

Reorganization of the Code of Laws Titles’ Names
Title I: Definitions, Interpretations, Construction of, and Compliance with the Statutes
Title II: The President’s Advisory Council
Title III: Legislative Branch
Title IV: Judicial Branch
Titles V: Election Laws
Title VI: Class Elections
Title V: Miss Jackson State University Elections
Title VI: Salaried Officers
Title VII: Finance Code
Title VIII: General Legislation

Article II
1. Section I
a. Add
i. The membership of the Student Government Association shall consist of students duly enrolled as full-time undergraduates at Jackson State University and elected to either the executive, judicial, legislative, class, or campus activities board branch.
2. Section II
a. Add
i. The Student Government Association shall be organized into five branches: 1. Executive 2. Legislative 3. Class 4. Judicial 5.Campus Activities Board
ii. No member of the Student Government Association may serve in more than one of these aforementioned branches at any one time with exception of the Vice President, Chief Justice, Class Presidents, and Campus Activities Board Chair whose positions require them to serve on the executive branch and their respective branches-Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, Class Branch, and Campus Activities Board Branch of the Student Government Association; Class Senators whose position requires them to serve on both the Class Branch and Legislative Branch.
b. Relocation
i. Move “All members of the Student Government Association shall not be on any type of disciplinary, scholastic or attendance probation at time of election or during his/her term of office. Student Government Association officers must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA and full-time status as an undergraduate student while in office or they will be immediately removed.” to Article III
3. Section IV
a. Relocation
i. Move section to Article III
b. Deletion
i. Letter B, Number 4: Absences may be excused if a letter is submitted to the SGA President and Executive Secretary within in 48 hours of the meeting and deemed excusable by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the class council (elected officers) excluding the Officer in question.
4. Section V
a. Relocation
i. Move section to Article III
5. Section VI
a. Relocation
i. Move section to Article III
Article III
1. Addition
a. Section 1: General Qualifications for Membership
i. A. All members of the Student Government Association shall not be on any type of disciplinary, scholastic or attendance probation at time of election or during his/her term of office. Student Government Association officers must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA and full-time status as an undergraduate student while in office or they will be immediately removed.
ii. B. After nominations, a thirty (30)-question Student Government Association Constitution and Statutes exam will be administered via scantron and test booklet to everyone running for a position. The test booklet will be composed of questions pertaining to the SGA Constitution and Statutes. All questions will be determined by the Election Commission formed for that particular election and approved by the Assistant Vice-President for Student Life. All persons running for positions are required to earn a 75% or above on the exam in order to receive clearance to campaign. There will be one test per person, per semester. The test will be graded by the election commission in the presence of the SGA Advisor(s).
b. Section 2: Election and Appointment of Executive Officers
i. A. The Student Government Association President and Vice President shall be elected according to majority of votes cast by the Student Body.
ii. B. The candidate for President must have successfully completed a minimum of 90 credit hours prior to assuming office, and have been enrolled at Jackson State University five (5) semesters prior to their candidacy. Additionally, the candidate for President must have held an elected position in the SGA for at least one full term (academic year) prior to candidacy. No student may serve as President of the SGA for more than one elected term. The position of President requires commitment and therefore, the SGA President shall not hold the presidency of any other organization during their term of office.
iii. C. The Vice President must have completed at least two (2) semesters at Jackson State University and a minimum of 60 earned hours. They shall have served at least one full term in the legislative council.
iv. D. All elected Executive Officers shall serve a term of one year.
v. E. Appointed Executive Officers must have completed at least two semesters and a minimum of thirty (30) earned hours. They shall be nominated by the SGA President and approved by the Senate.
c. Section 3: Election and Appointment of the Senate
i. A. Each respective class will elect two senators. Each class will have two (2) votes, one per senator. In the absence of a class senator a class representative may serve with written permission of the class president. B. All other Senators shall be elected by constituent groups, during general elections, unless otherwise stated in this Constitution. C. Senators must not have been convicted of a felony. D. Vacancies that occur due to resignation, dismissal, or extenuating circumstances of any Senator shall be filled upon recommendation of the Election Commission and approval by (2/3) vote of the Senate.
d. Section 4: Qualifications for Class Council Representative
i. A. Be a member of their respective classes (according to hours completed) during the election process. B. Shall not be on any type of disciplinary, scholastic or attendance probation at time of election or during his/her term of office. C. The class king and queen shall have participated in a pageant/showcase. D. All members of the class council are to have participated in mandatory events as scheduled by the election commission during spring elections to qualify those persons for their respective positions.
e. Section 5: Election and Appointment of Campus Activity Board Executive Committee
i. A. The Campus Activity Board Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected according to majority of votes cast by the Student Body.
ii. B. The Secretary and the Treasurer/Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Chair and Vice-Chair and confirmed by the Senate
iii. C. The Director of Campus Activities resides in the SGA President’s Cabinet.
f. Section 5: Attendance Policy
i. A. SGA officials are required to attend all scheduled and special SGA meetings, general Student Body meetings, and participate in all SGA mandated functions and activities. B. In regard to absences:
1. Each officer is allowed two unexcused absences a semester.
2. For each office hour missed, Officers shall be assessed a half (1/2) absence.
3. In the case of an absence, the Officer should notify the SGA President and Executive Secretary at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting or activity.
4. Absences may be excused if a letter is submitted to the SGA President and Executive Secretary within in 48 hours of the meeting
g. Section 6: Types of Meetings
i. A. General Student Body Meeting – members of the Student Body meet to obtain information about the welfare of the Student Government and its activities; to address issues and concerns. B. Student Government Association Meeting (members ONLY) – the members of the SGA meet to discuss issues and items within the SGA. C. Special Meetings – may be called at any time at the discretion of the SGA President regarding issues concerning the governing body, specific members, or councils.
h. Section 7: Frequency of Meetings
i. A. The members of the SGA shall meet as a body at least once a month. B. The executive council shall meet at least once before the general body meeting. C. The members of the Student Body shall meet as a body at least once a month. D. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the President.

Article IV
1. Section I
a. Addition
i. All executive powers granted herein shall be vested in the President of the SGA and assisted by the SGA Vice President, Business Manager, Executive Secretary, Parliamentarian, Chief Justice, Miss Jackson State University, Freshman Class President, Sophomore Class President, Junior Class President, Senior Class President, and Campus Activities Board Chair.
2. Section II
a. Addition
i. The Executive Branch of the Student Government Association shall consist of the President, Vice President, Business Manager, Executive Secretary, Parliamentarian, the Chief Justice, Miss Jackson State, Freshman Class President, Sophomore Class President, Junior Class President, Senior Class President, and Campus Activities Board Chair.
3. Section III
a. Relocation
i. Move section to Article III
b. Deletion
i. Letter B: The candidate for President must have successfully completed a minimum of 90 credit hours and a maximum of 126 earned hours prior to assuming office, and have been enrolled at Jackson State University five (5) semesters prior to their candidacy. Additionally, the candidate for President must have held an elected position in the SGA for at least one full term (academic year) prior to candidacy. No student may serve as President of the SGA for more than one elected term. The position of President requires commitment and therefore, the SGA President shall not hold the presidency of any other organization during their term of office.
4. Section IV
a. Relocation
i. Letter P: Move section to By-Laws

Article V
1. Section II
a. Addition
i. The Senate shall be composed of thirty-four (34) voting Senators.
ii. Letter A, Number 1: Two (2) senators from each of the seven (7) constituent student activity councils two (2) senators from each class, two (2) senators from each College, and two (2) senators from the School of Life Long Learning:
iii. Letter A, Number 1, Letters a-r: a. Academic Council, b. Pan Hellenic Council (one male & one female), c. Religious Council, d. Residential Council (one male & one female), e. Special Interest Council, f. International Council, g. Athletics Council, h. Freshman Class, i. Sophomore Class, j. Junior Class, k. Senior Class, l. College of Business, m. College of Liberal Arts, n. College of Public Service, o. College of Education and Development, p. College of Science, q. Engineering, and Technology, r. School of Life Long Learning.
2. Section V
a. Relocation
i. Letter E: Move, ”Confirm all Presidential appointments with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of student senate currently in office.” to Bylaws ______
ii. Letter O: Move, “Elect its own officers, except the President of the Senate, who shall be the Vice President of the Student Government Association. In the event, the Vice President assumes the office of the President of the Student Government Association; the President Pro-Temp of the Senate will serve as the presiding officer of the Senate.” to By-Laws _______
b. Deletion
i. Letter F: Impeach officers of the Student Government Association by three-fourths (3/4) vote of student senate currently in office. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any other office within the Student Government Association, however, the party impeached may be liable and subject to disciplinary hearing under the University Disciplinary Policy.
ii. Letter L: Override a veto by the Student Government Association President by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of senate.
3. Section VI
a. Addition
i. Summer session begins the first week of the first academic summer session and will terminate the last week of the second academic summer session.
4. Section X
a. Deletion
i. Delete section.
Article VI

1. Section XIII
a. Addition
i. In case of resignation or incapacitation of any Justice, the Chief Justice shall appoint a qualifying student in an acting capacity until the senate approval (2/3 vote) of any new nominations to the position upon the recommendation of the Election Commission and the Dean of Students Staff.
2. Section XII
a. Deletion
i. Delete section

Article VII
1. Section III
a. Relocation
i. Move section to Article III
2. Section XII
a. Relocation
i. Move section to Article III
3. Section XIII
a. Deletion
i. Delete section
Article VIII
1. Addition
a. Section 1: Governance
i. The Campus Activity Board, also known as CAB, will be empowered to act on behalf of and represent the student body in all matters concerning campus activities.
b. Section 2: Purpose
i. CAB is committed to providing diverse quality programs that will enhance the Jackson State University student’s educational experience via on – campus entertainment, i.e. late night programming, student organization appropriations, and educational speakers.
See Campus Activities Board Constitution and Bylaws
c. Section 3: Organization
i. CAB shall consist of student representatives from the student body. There will be two types of membership (Executive and General) within the CAB. Executive membership is exclusively to the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer/Parliamentarian, and the Director of Campus Activities from the SGA President’s Cabinet. General membership will consist of committee members, and volunteers among the student body.
ii. Role of the Chair
1. The Chair shall be responsible for oversight of CAB and its day-to-day operations. This position shall be voted upon in the SGA elections.
iii. Role of Vice-Chair
1. The role of the Vice-Chair position is to assist the Chair with the day-to-day operation of the organization. It is very important for the Vice-Chair to work closely with the Chair on all matters concerning the organization. This position shall be voted upon in the SGA elections.
iv. Role of Secretary
1. The secretary is responsible for keeping attendance, minutes, and incentive points for ALL of the incentive program participants. The secretary shall be determined by election by the general CAB members and shall make their self-available at the organization’s disposal as needed. The Secretary shall be appointed by the Chair and Vice-Chair and confirmed by the Senate
v. Role of Treasurer/Parliamentarian
1. The role of the Treasurer position in coordination with the Chair, Executive Committee members, and the advisors, is to maintain an accurate budget for CAB. It is very important for the Treasurer to work closely with the Chair, Secretary, and advisors along with the general members of CAB to ensure successful accountability. Two individuals should have authorization to write checks. The Treasurer and/or the Chair are authorized to write checks, but only with the signature of the advisor do these checks become valid. Additionally, the Treasure shall serve as the Parliamentarian. As the Parliamentarian, he/she shall be responsible for helping with the Chair in his/her oversight of CAB and its operations. The Treasurer/Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Chair and Vice-Chair and confirmed by the Senate. The Chair shall make them available at the organization’s disposal as needed and is seen fit.
d. Section 4: Meetings
i. A. CAB Executive Committee meetings will be closed to the general public. These meetings will be held bi-weekly of every month during the spring, summer, and fall semesters.
ii. B. General meetings will be closed to the Executive Committee and active members of the CAB. These meetings will be held each month during the spring and fall semesters as determined by the CAB Advisors.
iii. C. The CAB will present at the SGA Student Body meetings for the purpose of informing, promoting, and soliciting ideas from the Student Body about activities.
iv. D. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, at the request of the University administration or by the Vice Chair.

Article IX
1. Section I
a. Addition
i. All Student Government Association officers may be impeached for malfeasance, misfeasance, and/or nonfeasance of duty, or action contrary to or in violation of this Constitution, the Statutes of Jackson State University, and/or University Policy. Impeachment may be instigated by ¾ vote of the Student Senate currently in office or an executive order from the President of the Student Government Association. All instigated impeachments will go directly to the Student Judiciary Branch, who will unanimously determine the verdict of the impeachment.

The Student Judiciary Branch shall sit as a tribunal with the Chief Justice of the Student Judiciary Branch presiding. A full hearing shall be given to the accusers and to the defendant having the full right of council. If the Chief Justice is the accused party, the Associate Chief Justice presides over the impeachment hearing.
Impeachment of class officers can be requested by a written letter from the Class President or ¾ of the Class Council. This letter is to be submitted to the Student Senate or the President of the Student Government Association, both of whom will deliberate and determine whether to proceed with the impeachment process. If both the Student Senate and the President of the Student Government Association deny the request for impeachment, under extreme circumstances, the Class President and/or Class Council can submit their request directly to the Student Judiciary Branch. Documentation of the submission to and denial from the Student Senate and/or the President of the SGA must be provided in order for the Judiciary Branch to consider the request.

Title I
1. Chapter 1
a. Relocation
i. Move Title V: Election Laws and Title VI: Class Elections to the Election Code
b. Deletion/Addition
i. Add Title VI: Salaried Officers
ii. The procedure outlined in Chapter 1 shall be observed by the legislative secretary Parliamentarian in placing enacted legislation in the statutes and in exercising statutory revisions.
Title II
1. Chapter 102.9
a. Addition
i. The Director of Public Relations shall form and preside (as a chair) over an SGA Street Team; whose responsibility is to promote official events of the SGA and/or any event requested by the Executive Branch. The President of the SGA will serve as an ex-officio co-chair/member of the SGA Street Team.
2. Chapter 103.5
a. Addition
i. The Director of Student Activities shall serve as a voting member of the Campus Activities Board.
3. Chapter 108
a. Deletion/Addition
i. If for any reason, an official of the Jackson State University Student Government Association is unable to complete his/her term in office and an order of succession is not specified in the Student Government Association Constitution, then the successor shall be appointed within ten (10) school Academic days in the following manner…
Title III
1. Chapter 200.4
a. Addition
i. A quorum for the purpose of holding a meeting and transacting business shall consist of twenty-three (23) of those members of the Senate at the time of the meeting.
2. Chapter 204.4
a. Addition
i. The Senate may override a Presidential Veto by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of student senate currently in office. In such case, the President and the senate are to work together to resolve to issue causing the veto. If it cannot be resolved five (5) academic days, the bill and/or resolution will be discarded.
3. Chapter 211.1
a. Deletion
i. All resolutions shall be assigned a consecutive number by the executive Secretary of the Student Government Association Summer Senate upon placement on the calendar or introduction into the Student Government Association Summer Senate.

4. Chapter 214.1
a. Addition
i. A. Serve as a liaison between the SGA and the members of all the Academic Organizations (i.e. Academic Honor Societies, Honors College, and etc.)
5. Chapter 214.7
a. Addition
i. College of Business: Serve as liaisons between the SGA and College of Business. Coordinate the SGA’s role in the student evaluation of faculty members. Investigate and report to the SGA President, student concerns regarding all University issues concerning their respective College.
6. Chapter 214.8
a. Addition
i. College of Liberal Arts: Serve as liaisons between the SGA and College of Liberal Arts. Coordinate the SGA’s role in the student evaluation of faculty members. Investigate and report to the SGA President, student concerns regarding all University issues concerning their respective College.
7. Chapter 214.9
a. Addition
i. College of Public Service: Serve as liaisons between the SGA and College of Public Service. Coordinate the SGA’s role in the student evaluation of faculty members. Investigate and report to the SGA President, student concerns regarding all University issues concerning their respective College.
8. Chapter 214.10
a. Addition
i. College of Education and Human Development: Serve as liaisons between the SGA and College of Education and Human Development. Coordinate the SGA’s role in the student evaluation of faculty members. Investigate and report to the SGA President, student concerns regarding all University issues concerning their respective College.
9. Chapter 214.11
a. Addition
i. College of Science, Engineering, and Technology: Serve as liaisons between the SGA and College of Science, Engineering, and Technology. Coordinate the SGA’s role in the student evaluation of faculty members. Investigate and report to the SGA President, student concerns regarding all University issues concerning their respective College.

10. Chapter 214.12
a. Addition
i. School of Life Long Learning: Serve as liaisons between the SGA and School of Life Long Learning. Coordinate the SGA’s role in the student evaluation of faculty members. Investigate and report to the SGA President, student concerns regarding all University issues concerning their respective School.
11. Chapter 304
a. Deletion
i. In case of any vacancies on the council, the Student Government Association President shall appoint a new member in accordance with constitutional composition.

Title IV
1. Chapter 501.1
a. Addition
i. 3. Must have earned a 2.8 Overall Grade Point Average at the end of the fall semester prior to seeking office; and be continuously enrolled as a full-time student (a minimum of 12 credit hours) during the spring semester in which the election will occur.
ii. 4. The elected student must show that she has earned a minimum of 90 Earned Hours and have the minimum 2.8 Overall Grade Point Average as listed on an official transcript at the conclusion of the spring semester at which the office was sought.
iii. 5. Must have been enrolled as a full-time student (a minimum of 12 credit hours) at Jackson State University at least one full academic year prior to her candidacy. (For example: If the candidate is seeking to be elected in the 2015 spring semester, she must be enrolled as a full–time student in the 2014 spring and fall semesters.)
iv. 6. Never have been found responsible for any violation of the Jackson State University Student Code of Conduct.
v. 7. Must have been approved by the Center for Student Engagement and Inclusion and the Assistant Vice President for Student Activities verifying items 1- 6 above.
2. Chapter 502.2
a. Addition
i. 1. A panel of five (5) judges, approved by the Senate with a majority vote, shall be responsible for the judging of the Miss Jackson State University Pageant.
ii. 2. The Executive Board of the SGA shall select members of the Miss Jackson State University Pageant Steering Committee, approved by a majority vote of the Senate, which either the Associate Vice Provost of Student Affairs, the Dean of Students, or the Assistant Vice President for Student Activities shall preside as the chair;
iii. 3. The Miss Jackson State University Pageant Steering Committee shall set all policies relative to the coordination of the Miss Jackson State University Pageant;
iv. 4. The Miss Jackson State University Steering Committee shall set the qualifications for Miss Jackson State University with a two-thirds approval of the Senate.
v. 6. This pageant shall be the method of selection of candidates based on the scoring from the pageant. The three (3) highest scores from the Miss Jackson State University Pageant will appear on the ballot in the Spring General Elections. In the event of a tie among the highest scoring candidates, both shall appear on the ballot.
3. Chapter 503.1
a. Addition
i. Members of Miss Jackson State University’s Court shall be Mr. & Miss Senior, Mr. & Miss Junior, Mr. & Miss Sophomore, and Mr. & Miss Freshman, and will be classified as her attendants. When asked the royal court shall accompany Miss Jackson State University on ceremonial occasions.
4. Chapter 503.2
a. Addition
i. The attendants for Miss Jackson State University must meet the same requirements as Miss Jackson State University, with the exception that class kings must have been born male. Additionally, all attendants must be members of their respective classes.
Title VI
1. Chapter 600
a. Addition
i. All elected members of the SGA are to receive stipends for their service in office. The amount to be received by individuals in the elected positions will be determined by the pay grid in Title VI Chapter 60
2. Chapter 601
a. Addition
i. Regulation of Stipends: A. Stipends are to be dispersed on a monthly basis during the academic year. A total of four (4) months per semester (August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April)
ii. B. Members who do not complete office hours, attend events, or violate the SGA Constitution and Statutes will not be eligible to receive their designated stipend. Eligibility for stipend receipt is at the discretion of the SGA Advisor(s).
iii. C. The stipends will only be dispersed to elected SGA officers if the Campus Activity Board is fully functional.

3. Chapter 602
a. Addition
i. Nomenclature of Elected Officers: A. SGA President
ii. B. Miss Jackson State University (Miss JSU)
iii. C. SGA Vice-President
iv. D. Executive Board Members (SGA Secretary, SGA Assistant Secretary, SGA Business Manager, SGA Parliamentarian, and Campus Activity Board Chair)
v. E. Legislative Council Members (Academic Council Senators (2) and Special Interest Council Senators (2))
vi. F. Class Council Members (Class President, Class Vice-President, Class Business Manager, Class Secretary, Class Assistant Secretary, Class Parliamentarian, Class Senators (2), Class King, Class Queen)
4. Chapter 603
a. Addition
i. Pay Grid

Elected Officer Position               Amount Per Month                Amount Per Semester                Amount Per Year

SGA President                                              $250                                              $1,000                               $2,000
Miss JSU                                                        $250                                              $1,000                               $2,000
SGA Vice- President                                    $175                                              $700                                    $1,400
Executive Board Members                         $150                                             $600                                     $1,200
Legislative Council Members                    $125                                              $500                                     $1,000
Class Council Members                               $50                                              $200                                      $400

Title VII
1. Chapter 800.2
i. 5. Campus Activities Board Members

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