“Originally, I was going to go into the Army because I didn’t really think that I was the college type. I’m kind of quiet. And, I had heard some crazy stuff about being in the south, as well as being at an HBCU. It was just something that I wasn’t really used to, being from Detroit. And in Detroit, they don’t really promote HBCUs. They promote PWIs. But I knew that I wanted to go to an HBCU. I just didn’t know if I would fit in or if I would be uncomfortable.
What made me come to Jackson State was the Boom. When you hear about Jackson State, you automatically think about the Sonic Boom of the South. I was a drum major in my high school marching band, and the style that our band mimicked was Jackson State’s. Once I started learning what college is about, I started researching Jackson State and the Boom. And, that’s kind of what brought me here.
But, I feel like band shouldn’t be your reason for staying in college. You should find something else to keep you here. For me, the band helped get me here, but the business program and everything else that we have on campus has kept me here.”
– Anthony, senior marketing major from Detroit, Michigan
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