At first, I was hesitant to come here. I had never been to America, and I didn’t know anyone here. And, America is so far from home. It’s a 24-hour flight, and the time difference is 13 hours. But, my dad said that this was a great opportunity and that I should go for it. After a while, I started to get pretty excited about it, and I took the offer.
Being here has been really different, with the culture and everything. In Singapore, we live in a really fast paced society similar to New York. But, here, it is a lot more relaxing. And, the people here are a lot friendlier. I was really taken aback when I first got here. People were just randomly saying, ‘Hi. How are you?’ and I’m like, ‘Are you talking to me? I don’t know you.’ *laughs*
It’s been a good experience. I’ve made good friends and met good people, so I’ve gotten really comfortable. I used to go home during the breaks. But, I have my own place now, so I’m learning to be independent and not go home. And, I’m actually planning to get my master’s here, as well.
I would tell others to be open to new opportunities. You’ll never know what you can achieve until you take the first step forward, and I’m glad that I did. I’m glad to be here.”
– Dyana, senior interdisciplinary studies major from Singapore
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