“I am not very interested in politics, but I do know about one candidate that nobody wants to win the election. I respect his opinions, but I don’t agree with him. I believe, we’re not United States citizens, nor Mexican citizens. We’re world citizens and there should be no walls and barriers between us.
That’s really the best thing about JSU – getting to know a lot of people from a lot of places. We have seven or eight different nationalities on our baseball team alone. We have many international athletes in other sports here.
Everyone is just very friendly. I still remember my first couple of weeks here. A lot of people were supportive of me and were very warm and welcoming. My parents are the main people I have to be thankful for. They always support me, in all of my decisions. Hopefully, someday I can pay back all of the things they’ve done for me. I’m blessed.”
– Francisco, business management major from Mexico
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