“Well, I would have to say, the hardest obstacle in my life was my lack of confidence. In elementary school and middle school, I was bullied a lot. I never thought I was good enough, or that I looked nice enough because I was a little overweight at that time.
I had a lot of issues with my confidence. But Jackson State has brought a lot out of me, to the point where now, I know who I am. I know that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. Certain people and certain organizations have made me realize that I am good enough and that I can succeed in life.
I would tell anyone who’s struggling with confidence to remember that the things people may say about you don’t define who you are. Even though you may be going through tough times, always remember that the things you go through will help build you in some way, and help get you to a goal that God has for you.”
– Darrian, junior physics, pre-med major from Jackson, Mississippi
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