“Iaccepted my calling when I was 18. I was in church singing ‘I Love to Praise Him.’ I’d been singing that song since I was 3, but on this day, something felt different. I got a weird feeling that I couldn’t understand. I talked to my stepdad – a preacher – about it. He told me that he thought God was telling me to go into the ministry and that I should start praying about it. The more I prayed about it, the more doors opened. I asked my church to pray for me and allow God to use me in whatever way He should. Next thing I know, I’m standing in the pulpit letting God have His way.

Growing up, you always see grown men in the pulpit, and you respect them because they’ve been through a lot. So, when I accepted my calling, I didn’t even know that young preachers existed. But, once I got into it, I started seeing other young ministers, and I started connecting with them. We all help and uplift each other because we’re the next generation of people to help bring more people to Christ.

It’s still pretty shocking to people who aren’t used to seeing young preachers. When I first walk into church, everyone’s nice and they smile. Then, their jaws drop when they see me walk in the pulpit. But, after I speak, they understand that I may be young, but I’m really letting God use me. My friends were kind of shocked, too. But they understand, and they know, there are some things that I can’t do. And they respect my decisions like everyone else. I’ve invited them to church, and they come. And I really feel, like, that’s why God allowed me to come here – to use my gift to bring more people in.

I’m going into my second year in the ministry, and I love it. Every day, I’m able to help spread the gospel and show people that there’s still hope, no matter how dark the times may be. If I could leave everyone with a word of encouragement, it would be to hang on and keep the faith because greater is coming.”

– Ke’Jaun, junior electrical engineering major from D’Iberville, Miss.
