I am here learning how to teach English in China. One of the things I’m doing is a comparison study of Chinese students and American students. In China, we have a lot of people. So in English class, we have more than forty or fifty students in the class. But here, there are small groups of students. So it’s different.
And in China, students are not so willing to talk in the class. While learning a language, they should be stimulated to talk, to voice their opinions. However, they’re not so willing to do that. But the Americans are happy to talk in class and voice their opinions. It’s quite interesting.
The most difficult thing for me is finding something to kill my time. Sometimes, I’m a little bit lonely. I sit here and read a book and watch people pass by. But I’m really interested in the braids I see. I’m wondering how long it takes to make the braid. In China, more and more people are willing to make braids. People in China now love hip hop, so they are learning from the people here. I find that quite interesting.”
– Zhijun, visiting scholar from China