“I was originally going to attend a different school, but in the last month of my senior year, a JSU recruiter called to tell me to check out a scholarship opportunity for me here. I decided to humor him and take a tour of the campus while I was in town for my cousin’s graduation. I didn’t think I’d change my mind about the other school, but when I visited JSU, I completely fell in love with it. I saw myself here and thriving here in a way that I felt like I didn’t see myself at other places. Two weeks before I graduated, I changed my mind about the other school, and I came to Jackson State.

At first, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my major – accounting. But being connected in the College of Business, joining the accounting society, and meeting the different professors really put me on the right path. I feel like the College of Business is unparalleled. They really work with us to make sure we’re prepared for any and every opportunity.

I think I want to start my career in public accounting. I’ve been interning with a ‘Big Four’ accounting firm, and I’ve really enjoyed that experience. This summer, I’ll transition to a wealth management firm to get private sector experience. Eventually, I want to transition to the public sector and government work. Longterm, I see myself being the executive director of the Mississippi Legislative Budget Office.”

- Madison, junior accounting major from Hattiesburg, Miss.
