Avi’Yam Jordan
MC Practicum Student
Men with 4.0s… Men with many h%#s. Men that play with footballs… Men that play with hearts. While attending an HBCU in the south, I meet many characters, from different states and even different countries. From my experience with the opposite sex, these are the types of men I have met in college. Some men fall into one category, while others are a mix of a few. Brace yourselves…
The Professional
The man who doesn’t miss any of his classes. He usually has a 3.7 GPA or above. This guy is the man that every girl wants to marry, but does not want to date in college. He is the so called “nice guy” that the girls on the college campus usually pass up and only talk to when they need to copy his homework. (Cause everyone knows that he completes ALL his assignments.) Every once in a while, the professional will get some play from the ladies, but after most girls exchange numbers with him, they get bored talking to him via text, and when he calls he goes straight to voice mail. To most women, the professional will make a great study buddy, and maybe a great husband since many tend to major in medicine, science, engineering, e.t.c. The professional tends to lay low and go very unnoticed.
The Player
Whenever you see this man, best believe there will be females. He’s young, he’s handsome, and he has the swag and confidence to make women drop the panties in a HEARTBEAT. Though there are freshmen that are players, the majority of them tend to be upperclassmen that prey on women in every class, especially the FRESHMEN GIRLS. Most players tend to party, club, and are infamous for the line, “You wanna come to my room to chill and watch movies?” Ladies, please know that you are worth an actually DATE to the movies, and that the day you walk into his dorm (or apartment) to see a cheap bootleg DVD that he doesn’t even watch was a waste of your time. The player tends to have average grades, because he puts most of his energy into hanging with his guys and going on the hunt for poon tang. Don’t be the booty call ladies, please know your worth before the players on campus try to define it.
The Athlete
Busy men. Practice, study hall, more practice! College sports can intense, but the athletes sure do know how to make time for what they want. The athletes come in two forms: The athletes that play for the love of the game and athletes that play for the love of the benefits. We all know that one athlete that goes above and beyond. He busts his butt in practice and on top of that is the star of his team. Soon enough this man is going to throw up the deuces to his teammates and make it to the big leagues. This guy has the campus groupies but places them to the left and the beneficial athlete swoops them up from the right. The beneficial athlete is the athlete that takes pride in the status that he has with his title. He always mentions how he is on the team and claims he has groupies. He wants to be like the star player and get the respect, love, and women like the star, but does not put in as much effort. He usually has mediocre grades and doesn’t do much other than eat, sleep, have sex, practice, and play.
The Frat Man
The list could go on and on about the numerous amounts of frats you will meet in college. Men in fraternities can be somewhat of an aphrodisiac to some women. These groups of men with swag stomping the yard, strolling, and throwing parties. They can be grouped into the pretty boys, the rough neck thugs, and other personality traits that can draw different types of women to them in an instant. However, with the frat man, women need to be on their toes. Is he genuinely interested? Or are you a conquest to be told to his frat brothers? Does he spend time with you in public? Take you out on dates? Calls and texts you daily? Shows respect and appreciation towards you on a CONSTANT basis? Frat men can be really good men, but if you are to date one, it’s best to do so if you are a upperclassmen. A freshman and a frat man can work, but it’s always best to figure out how the men on campus are and to have a feel for your environment before jumping into a relationship with a frat man two months into your first year in college.
The John Doe
Go to class, chill, eat, sleep, repeat, is the routine of the John Doe. There is honestly nothing wrong with being the John Doe. The John Doe is the average college man that just wants to make it. He doesn’t have a stellar GPA like a professional, he doesn’t have a female entourage like a player, he isn’t much of an athlete, and doesn’t belong to a frat, but is still a cool dude to shoot the breezes with. Most John Does come in two categories. The cool dude and the wannabe. The cool dude John Doe has great conversation, might be involved in a club or two, and just wants to make friends and enjoy his college experience. The wannabe John Doe is the average man that likes to convince people he is more that what he is. He wants to be like the player or the frat man and have great popularity, but unlike the cool dude, it’s so obvious he’s not being himself. He’s a nobody that is very insecure within himself and lives in a fantasy world were every thing is more than what it is.