Fabiola Candal Ranalli
Staff Writer/MC301
The U.S. has been noticeably affected by the Covid-19 from the beginning of the year and many negative consequences have resulted after the appearance of it.
However, the U.S. has not been the only country affected by Covid-19. Many countries in South America have suffered consequences from the virus.
Countries like Venezuela, that has been suffering an economic and political crisis since many years ago, have demonstrated that they were not prepared for a pandemic because there are not enough resources for the citizens to survive and fight through it.
A Venezuelan resident shared her situation about the pandemic.
“I have never seen a situation like this. This is the worst episode since I was born 22 years ago,” said Victoria Rodriguez, who lives in Venezuela with her parents and faces the pandemic from there. “People are dying every day because there are no medicines and food, and if there is any of those, they are overpriced.”
Many countries were economically affected before the pandemic, suffering terrible consequences, and now during the pandemic, the crisis has increased, and their people struggle to survive.
“I had a job for some months, and as soon as the pandemic started, I got fired,” said Rodriguez. “I did nothing wrong, but the company seemed to be severely affected by the pandemic and decided to fire many of the employees, and I was one of those. It is sad, and it was difficult for me, but in the end, there is nothing I can do to solve this problem, or at least for now.”
Another South American country that has been severely affected by the Covid-19 is Brazil with more than 5.3 million cases and more than 157,000 deaths.
“My parents got the virus, and did not receive any help from anyone, nor the government,” said Vitor Miranda, a sophomore business major from Brazil who attends Hillsborough Community College. “It was a tough challenge because I was here in the U.S. and they were there by themselves and the economic situation was pretty bad for us.”
On the other hand, countries like Mexico have also faced high rates of mortality and thousands of cases of Covid-19.
A Jackson State University student from Mexico shared his opinion about the situation.
“First of all, I was not even at home when all this happened, everything changed all of a sudden,” said Francisco Vargas, a junior business major from Mexico. “Nobody saw this coming, and it affected us hard because we were not prepared. My parents lost their jobs and faced a challenging situation.”
According to Vargas, many people have lost their jobs and experienced many other difficult challenges since the beginning of the year due to Covid-19.
Also, many others have lost family members, or have been in the hospital for several weeks due to the same reason.
“To survive, at first my parents had to use their savings, or they would not eat,” said Vargas. “It is tough to see this situation and come from a country that does not help its people that much. There are two extremes during this crisis, or you have everything you need, or you have nothing, and nothing is what is more common.”
For more information about the economic impact of Covid-19 visit: The Economic Impact of Covid-19