JSU students express pros and cons of online voting

JSU students campaigning for their candidates during 2010-2011 elections.

Katchell Pratcher
Staff Writer

The 2011 Jackson State University Student Government Association elections will take place on  April 6, 2011, giving students the opportunity to choose SGA officers and Miss Jackson State University.

JSU’s online voting process will give students 24 hours, with polls opening at 8:00 a.m.  and closing at 8:00 a.m. the following morning. Students staying on or off campus can vote from any computer.

“This is the third consecutive year Jackson State has used the online voting system.  It was implemented through our freshman class in the 2008-2009 school year,” said Edwin Quinn, Executive Director for Administrative & Financial Operations in the Office of Student Life.

“The numbers are steadily increasing in the general election of SGA officers and class council.  Each year the system really sees an increase in the voters,” said Quinn.

He added: “The online voting system is a very thorough process  which keeps an accurate tally of the student who is voting, tallies the number of students who voted, the time, and the number of votes for each candidate on the e-ballot form.”

Voting Instructions:
• Visit the University’s website ( and click on the JSU PAWS link.
• Login with your J# and password, once signed in you can click on Student and Financial Aid.
• Next click on Online Student Voting System, then click Vote Now.
• Respond to the stated questions.

Many JSU students like the accuracy of the online voting system.

“I feel it’s an efficient way of voting and prevents students from voting more than once,” said Dhahran Hall, a mass communications major.  “It calculates the votes faster than by hand and it also keeps JSU ever evolving in the world of technology.”

Other students prefer the convenience of online voting.

“Voting online is great because it’s more convenient for people to get to and access. I believe more students will vote,” said Charles Green, a criminal justice major.

Jasmine Smith, a biology major said; “I really love the online voting process because it’s very fast and I can vote from home if I choose to.  I stay off campus and I don’t have to worry about not being able to vote.”

Psychology major Alonzo Washington agrees with Smith.

“I think it’s a great idea because most college students are online the majority of the time so it wouldn’t hurt to vote online as well,” said Washington.

However, some students like the more conventional form of voting.

“To me it’s complicated because most of the time the system doesn’t work. Then you can’t vote for the person you wish because you don’t see the candidates on campus like that,” said Alexis Butler, a music education major.  “So then you either don’t vote at all or give someone else on the ballot the vote.”
Mercedes Chafer said; “I don’t like it because I feel like voting in person is traditional. Today I met and talked to a perspective candidate.  She introduced herself and that makes me believe that I will make the right choice,” said the elementary education major.  “Also voting online causes a delay because JSU’s system is always down. I generally think that you should vote in person.”

If you have any difficulties with the online voting process, contact the Office of Student Development at (601)-979-3308. Election results will be announced on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. in the Student Center.


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