Student Government president has vision to build together

Students attending the first SGA meeting of the Spring semester.

Guy King
Staff Writer

“JSU, I want you to build with me!” said Student Government Association president Charles Cathey, III. This slogan was repeated during the first SGA meeting of the spring 2014 semester.

Cathey reiterated the “Building Together as ONE” platform that helped him win the election to represent the students of JSU during the meeting.  He stated that this semester he wants the voice of every student at Jackson State to be heard.

The meeting featured a number of speakers disucssing topics such as food service and upcoming events.

The first was Sanford C. Winfield, a representative from Sodexo Dining Services, the new food services vendor at JSU. He stated that his mission is to implement quality food services to the campus of JSU.

Several students had opinions on the new cafeteria food including sophomore Jamarion Ayers.

“It’s better than the food from last semester to me. It’s more quality of a meal than what I was used to when I first came to JSU,” said the computer technology major from Crystal Springs, Miss.

Many students in attendance were excited about the “premium night” Winfield stated the students would be treated to every month.  This night would include foods like crab legs.

The next speaker was Carlos Smith, a Residence Hall Senator.  Smith spoke about the JSU door digital sign network. This new project will be used to promote JSU organizations and the different events they have. An ad can range from $150-250 depending on how many ads and times each organization would like to have.

The final speaker at the meeting was Rashad Sayles, SGA Business Manager, who discussed the SGA’s Sweet Heart Week set to take place for Valentine’s Day. This event will feature Valentine packages ranging from $8-$12 as well as a raffle for a Valentine basket. Flyers with details of this event are posted around campus.

Morgan King, a freshman social work major from Jackson, Miss. said, “I am very excited about Freshmen Week. I have heard so many stories from the upperclassmen on how great their Freshmen Week was and I hope ours is even better.”

Sophomore class president Henry Goss made announcements about upcoming sophomore class events.

“I am ecstatic and ready to have another superb semester. We have a lot of things in store for the sophomore class. Be on the lookout for more information,” said Goss.

There are several things the SGA has in store for students this spring semester including a Constitution Revision and a Spring Fest Concert.

Call 601-979-1179 for information.


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