Puff, Please enforce smoking sections


Candace Chambers
Staff Writer

Newsflash: I should not have to involuntarily participate in another person’s personal hobby.

But, this is often the case when individuals openly smoke in public areas on campus. Whether while walking down the plaza and passing through a puff of cigarette smoke or passing through a cloud of cigar smoke from a group of individuals, casual smoking on campus is causing a disturbance and the issue should be addressed with more enforcement.

When students decide to attend Jackson State, there is a list of designated fees included in their financial aid as a part of the collegiate experience. Certain rules are also expected to be obeyed while on the campus. But, as to my knowledge, a smoking fee is not included with tuition. Students are not obligated to participate in smoking sessions, although secondhand smoke is a factor when walking through the campus.

According to the American Cancer Society, “Secondhand smoke (SHS) can cause harm in many ways. Each year in the United States alone, it’s responsible for about 3,400 lung cancer deaths in non-smoking adults”.

I understand that people have the personal choice to engage in activities of their liking. Ranting about the health risks and annoyances of the smell of smoke would do little to create a fair argument. But, I will ask for specified smoking sections for those who choose to smoke legal tobacco products on campus, such as cigarettes and cigars.

The Jackson State University Student Handbook states, “Smoking is not permitted in the residence halls, auditoriums, classrooms, lecture rooms, dining hall, or gymnasium. This regulation will be enforced by all appropriate means. Jackson State University is a “SMOKE FREE” campus”.

What is exactly meant by “smoke-free?” Does this only apply in buildings and not in common areas, such as the plaza and sidewalks?

To present a solution, I advocate for clearly visible signs to be placed around campus to designate smoking areas. Areas behind buildings where pedestrians are less likely to use commonly would be optimum. Also, for those who violate the assigned areas, there should be a penalty.

I may sound harsh against smokers, but there are those who have health concerns, such as asthma and need to continuously have a secure area for the best possible breathing environment at their place of higher education. But, there are also others, who do not prefer to smell smoke at no control of their own.

JSU, we should unite and take a stand for our health. For example, if someone is smoking openly beside a group of people, politely ask them to step away in respect. The campus will be a more welcoming place and butts of cigars and cigarettes will be more likely to be placed in specified containers if sections are assigned for those who chose to smoke while on campus. I present a charge to the Student Government Association, Department of Public Safety, the Division of Student Life, and the whole student body as a whole for us to work together in implementing stations for smokers and cleaner, healthier air for non-smokers.


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