Choosing our leaders: What can they do for JSU?

Cartoon: Alan Wells

Candace Chambers
Staff Writer

Former United States President John F. Kennedy profoundly stated at his inaugural address, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” I am asking in 2014, “My fellow Jacksonians, ask not what Jackson State can do for you, ask what you can do for Jackson State!”

It’s election season on campus, campaign signs cover the yard and promises for a better tomorrow are uttered in creative slogans. Positions for the Student Government Association are up for grabs and students are working tirelessly to present themselves as the best candidate for the position.

Candy and flyers are tools used to sway voters. But, do we choose our leaders based on the flavor of Nerds they pass out on the plaza and the uniqueness of their flyers or by the amount of quality concern and compassion for progress embedded within the candidate?

When choosing our leaders, let us first acknowledge the qualities of a leader. Some qualities include honesty, focus, passion, respect, confidence, integrity, humility, and cooperation. Student leaders must display a compassionate spirit for Jackson State through their personality, service to the community, and leadership initiative. True Jacksonian leaders shine with and without a spotlight because they are passionate about leading others to success.

The 2013-2014 SGA began the year with visions for progression. The SGA President, Charles Cathy III, encouraged students to build together as one. Miss Jackson State University, Déja Knight, ran the race of excellence and success.

New leaders can take the work of the 2013-2014 SGA and improve with more campus involvement. For example, students need workshops about taking the English Proficiency Exam, applying to graduate school, how to volunteer opportunities, and how to tackle life after college. Leaders can advocate how the excitement of being inducted into an Honor Society is just as important as crossing into a Greek organization.

The SGA elections are a crucial moment for the future leadership of our university. So, when listening to campaign slogans or viewing signs, consider how the leader will serve the entire body of Jackson State. Our leaders should be more than smiling faces at the football games or just a name with a title. Consider how the student leader will speak up about issues of student retention, more diverse campus activities, and the need for continued progress at our institution of higher learning.

Jackson State needs strong, serious leadership to move the already established efforts forward. Therefore, interact with candidates. Ask them how they will fulfill the promises outlines in their platform. Ask them if they do not win, will still they strive to implement their plan for the university. It’s not what Jackson State can do for them by awarding a position on the Student Government Association. But, it’s what our student leaders can do today for Jackson State to be a grander, more prestigious university for tomorrow.


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