We have all had those days when we wake up late on a Monday morning, rush into the bathroom to get ready, look up into the mirror and there it is. That huge, inconveniently placed pimple.
While we never really know when our unwanted guest will pop up for an extended stay on our face, here are a few simple skin care tips that can help fight acne as well as other tedious skin problems off for a while.
1. You can never have too much water
Have you ever wondered why the skin on your face always seems to feel dry or rough? Well, a lack of water may be the answer. Drinking a great deal of water is vital for healthier looking skin, especially while trying to bare the relentless heat of Mississippi. According to uwhealth.org , If your skin is not getting the sufficient amount of water, the lack of hydration will present itself by turning your skin dry, tight, and flaky.
2. Back off of the caffeine
When pulling an all-night study session, coffee can seem like the best companion. However, recent studies show that large consumptions of caffeine has been linked to aging as well as skin discoloration. According to an article published by Live Strong, caffeine was linked to causing liver blockage making it extremely hard for the liver to cleanse the blood in your body, thus causing dry and brittle skin.
3. Sugar is not your friend
While chocolate may seem like the next best thing to heaven, it can also be a source of unwanted acne. The frequent intake of sugar and other carbohydrates can actually cause you to have an increase in hormonal acne because it increases the amount of blood sugar in your body.
4. Wash your face regularly
Throughout the day, our face can become very oily causing our pores to become clogged. One of the easiest ways to fight against acne is to simply wash your face. Not only does it release some of the dirt built up in your pores but it can also help get rid the dry dead skin left behind on your face. Ambi products can be a great when washing your face. They are specifically made to improve African-American skin and complexion. If you’re trying to get rid of dark spots or skin discoloration on your face, then Ambi products are a must have.
5. Refrain from continuously touching your face
Our hands come in contact with a great many objects on a day to day basis so and carry many germs and dirt. One of the easiest ways to transfer these germs and dirt to your face is by rubbing and picking at the skin on your face.
There is really no secret to having the radiant skin that you desire. Following these simple guidelines can result in not only clearer, but healthier looking skin in no time!