“Molding Girls Into True Jacksonian Women” is the idea behind the Essence of a Lady Tiger mentorship program, which serves freshmen and sophomore female students at Jackson State University.
On Sept. 16., Essence of a Lady Tiger launched its official opening party for all JSU student females interested in joining. The event, held in the Student Center Ballroom, opened up with a skit of a young lady searching for her “Essence”, through elegance, education, poise, and perfection.
This year EOLT challenges young girls to walk the campus of JSU with confidence, while excelling in academics, and becoming the best Jacksonian they can be.
Andrea Tyler, a sophomore early childhood education major from Terry, Miss., is one of those girls. “What really made me want to become a part of Essence of a Lady Tiger is to grow and to be more mature and to one day hopefully be able to member girls my age,” said Tyler.
Essence of a Lady Tiger is in conjunction with the Student Government Association at JSU and consists of approximately 50 junior and senior young ladies who have dedicated themselves to mentoring freshmen and sophomore young ladies as they matriculate through college.
EOLT President Nakoreya Roberson said the group has a bonding activity once a month and mentors meet individually with their mentees to offer academic support, career development and other advice to help them succeed at JSU. Upperclassman also will lead by example, by excelling in the classroom focusing on campus involvement and community engagement. EOLT focuses on increasing student graduation rates, decreasing dropout rate, building positive self-esteem and creating a relationship with local schools to build a positive mindset about JSU.
Comelia Walker, a freshman mathematics education major for Canton, Miss., is a new member.
“In my hometown they stress the fact that every female should be a lady. I want to stress that while I’m here in college and, once I grow up I want to be a role model. I also want adults to look at me as a positive young lady. So it’s great for them to have an organization like EOLT teaching us how become a lady,” said Walker.
The mission of EOLT is to promote poise, perfection, and excellence on the campus of JSU. The purpose is to enhance leadership and individualism among girls of all race, color, and classification while connecting with other females.
EOLT has a lot to offer this semester, such as community service, special events, and fundraising. Motivational Monday’s, is an event where the members dress for success in conjunction with Gentlemen’s Academy, every first and third Monday of each month.
For more information and to keep up with events, follow Essence of a Lady Tiger on Instagram @theeeolt.