Cell phone addiction can be more than a distraction


Alexis Scott
Staff Writer

Your phone has everything you want and more available to you at your fingertips. It is your entertainment and life all in one but have you ever noticed how attached to the phone you really are?

There is so much you can do on a cell phone. A cellphone is just not a cell phone, but it is  a smartphone. Physical books and papers can even be downloaded on your phone. There are different social networks, movies, music, and any application you can think of is available to use on your phone that almost eliminate the use of spending money on a laptop or tablet.

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of class with your eyes glued to the screen of your phone? When a teacher explains that there are no cellphones allowed, do you secretly reach to keep checking every notification? This new generation has become so reliant on cell phones.

Princess Hollins, a senior psychology major from Jackson, Miss. said she cannot go anywhere without her phone in hand.

“If an emergency happens, I need to be by my phone. It is not that I cannot live without my phone, I just need it to be in my hand,” said Hollins.

Studies show that 70 percent of people check their phones in the morning within the first hour before actually getting up and 50 percent of people reported that they would feel anxious and irritable if they did not have their phone.

Here are a few steps to help with cell phone addiction according to Lifehack.org:

1.) The first 30 minutes of your day should be dedicated to something more important, like creating a good start to your day or exercise.

2.) Make it a discipline to not have/use your cellphone all the time (at work or in class)

3.) Turn your phone off or put it on “Do Not Disturb” while you are driving in the car, to eliminate accidents.

4.) Initiate more face-to-face interaction.

If you are in the group of people who cannot live without a cell phone, put the phone down and try face-to-face interactions with others. You may find that you enjoy real faces over face-time.


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