Brittney’s Bites: Halloween Candy


Brittney Snell
Staff Writer

It’s that time of the year again! Time for scary movies, Halloween parties, costumes and CANDY!

For some, celebrating Halloween is thing of the past, something they did as a child. For others, you are never too old to celebrate Halloween, especially when it comes to partaking in all the sweet treats promoted shamelessly during this time. Arguably, the best aspect of Halloween is the FREE candy.

We all remember going around to our neighbor’s houses dressed as our favorite characters hoping to get bags of candy. Unfortunately, all candy is not created equally.

Here is my list of best and worst candy treats.

1) Miniature chocolate bars
Three Musketeers, Snickers, and Hersey’s were what I always looked forward to the most. Mini packets of Skittles, M&M’s and Reese’s join this category.

2) The Fun Dip
The powdered candy pouch that came with that hard white sugar stick was one of my favorites. I always threw away the stick, what was that thing made of

3) Lemonheads and sour Warheads
Another fan favorite for those who love candy that is sweet and yet so sour it locks your jaw.

4) Tootsie Rolls
Not one of my favorites. I used to like them as a kid, but hated how some people would give out tons of tootsie rolls without any of the other types of candy. Tootsie Rolls come in fruit flavors now, so I would not have been as mad.

5) Dum Dum suckers
That person who gave these suckers was sure to get tricked! The best thing about Halloween was that at the end of the night, if you didn’t get the candy you wanted, you could always trade treats with your friends.  Now that I’m grown, I think I will just visit the stores the day after Halloween and get the candies I like the most, 50 percent off of course.  Happy Halloween!


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