Dwayne Joseph Jr.
Staff Writer
“Tiger born, Tiger bred, and when I die I’ll be Tiger dead” is a coined statement that has been seen on various Jackson State paraphernalia and heard from alumni such as the infamous Hilliard Lackey.
However, it seems to some that the Tiger spirit is dead at JSU.
Some people may think the loss of school spirit stems from the recent losses suffered by our JSU football team this season. However, I think that Tiger school spirit is alive and well.
The first football game of the 2014 football season opened with the Tigers against the Florida A&M University Rattlers at the Mississippi Veterans Stadium on Aug. 30, 2014 to a packed crowd. Over the months however, the JSU fans attending the games are dwindling to a scarce few. With an overall SWAC record of 1-6, fans have begun to desert the football team and not attend games because of so many losses. In my opinion, school spirit never died, the fans have just given up too easily.
School spirit should not be based on football games. Win or lose, if you are truly a fan, you will support your team regardless of a win/loss record.
I have been at Jackson State since fall 2012 and it has been the best HBCU experience of my life. When I first got here in 2012, I was so excited that I purchased so much stuff from the bookstore. I bought a JSU pullover, a JSU key chain, JSU shirts for my mom, dad, and myself because I loved the fact that I was at one of the greatest HBCUs in history. This is how I showed my school spirit. Students just need that spunk and spark that they had when they first got here all over again to maintain the faith in the school. The school spirit never died, the fans have just given up too easily.
To achieve or gain something, one must first believe mentally that it can be done physically. Jackson State University has a foundation that has molded the minds of African-Americans since 1877.
Proverbs 29:18 states that, “where there is no vision, the people would perish.” In 1877, if Natchez Seminary had no vision for a educating black teachers, Jackson State University would not be here for the over 9,000 students enrolled today.
I feel that students make up the university and by that I mean that students bring in other students and build the hype around the school. If you are not happy about your school, then no one else will be happy about your university The school spirit never died, the fans have just given up too easily.
I can truly say that I am glad I did not choose any other college or university to attend. I am so proud to say that I am a Jacksonian from Memphis, Tenn. who attends an urban university. To keep the school spirit alive, we have to remember the opportunities that this great institution has provided and continues to provide.
We also need to show our hardworking athletes that represent us to the best of their abilities that we are proud of them for sacrificing their bodies on the field, on the court, or even in the band hall. We need more than just Homecoming pep rallies, but pep rallies before every game and every sport. This will tell our athletes that we love them and want them to give their best while continuing to strive to be the best.
The school spirit will never die, because the fans will never give up.