Students must complete course prior to registration


Ashton Nash
Staff Writer

Jackson State University, in compliance with the federally mandated Campus SaVE Act, has partnered with Everfi to help students learn more about  issues such as sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.

As part of a comprehensive prevention program, students at Jackson State have been asked to complete Haven, an online course geared towards empowering students to make well-informed decisions about issues that affect their college years and beyond.

Laquala Coleman, Associate Dean of Students, stated that students are expected to complete Part 1 of Haven prior to registering for the 2014-2015 spring semester.

Instructions for completing the course has been sent to all students via their university email accounts, however many students who opt to use other email accounts may not aware of Haven.

“I knew about the program and informed a lot of my friends that I know do not check their student email as often as they should,” said Yazmine Brown, a junior biology major from Chicago, Ill. “But I do think it’s great that the school has partnered with Everfi and that they are making strides to make the campus safer for students, especially underclassman.”

Reese Tornes, a sophomore art major from Jackson, Miss., was unaware of the Haven course but feels it is something that needs to be discussed on college campuses.

“We need courses like this on sexual assault prevention because this subject is often the elephant in the room that is no one wants to talk about,” said Tornes.

Students were expected to complete the first half of the course by Oct. 31; however it is still open for students who have not completed the course.  Part II of Haven must be completed by Dec. 12, 2014.

To complete Haven, you will need one EverFi Higher Education Account to access the course from your dashboard.

To create an EverFi Higher Ed. Account:

1. Go to:

2. Enter the Registration Code: 12938f3a

Note: When prompted, please enter your J# to receive credit
for completion.

Other Important Information students need to know to complete Haven:

• You will need Internet access and audio capabilities.

• To avoid technical issues, please use any major web browser released within the previous two years.

• You may take the course in multiple sittings.

• The course may include surveys to help personalize your experience and measure students’ attitudes and behaviors. All survey
responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual students’ answers.

• Should you experience problems, technical support is available 24/7 and can be accessed from the “Help” link within the course.

Information on JSU’s Zero Tolerance Policy was also sent to students.

According to the Student Handbook, to maintain an atmosphere on the JSU campus that is conducive to academic pursuits and fosters the growth and development of all members of the University community, the university has implemented a Zero-Tolerance Campus Violence Policy.

Violence, threats, harassment, intimidation and other disruptive behavior by members of the University community or visitors will not be tolerated. Such behavior may include but is not limited to fighting, hazing, verbal or written statements, sexual assault, gestures, or expressions which communicate a direct or indirect threat of pahysical harm.

“I think it’s a good thing because we are learning about policies of the university. It should be a requirement because we all need awareness about campus violence. I think it’s great that they even considered this for us to do,” said Eldria Coleman, a sophomore mass communications/entrepreneurship from Carthage, Miss.

If you have any questions or concerns about Haven or the Zero-Tolerance Campus Violence Policy, please visit the Dean of Students Office located in Suite 3200 of the Student Center or call 601.979.2329) with any questions or concerns.


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