New students enjoy JSU Welcome Week 2011

More than 1,000 new students visit the Information Fair during JSU's 2011 Welcome Week.

Mary Thompson is an incoming Jackson State University freshman who will major in English. Like more than 1,000 others, she was welcomed to campus this weekend and began her assimilation into college life.

“So far, my welcome week has been beneficial in that I networked with officials in the university and had questions answered all at once, versus having to locate certain people,” said the Jackson, native.

Mary’s mother, Evelyn Thompson, joined her daughter at the 2011 Welcome Week convocation on Sunday. Thompson and her husband, Robert, Sr. are both JSU graduates and son, Robert, Jr. is a JSU sophomore.

“I thought President Meyers was concise and that the convocation was informative; short and sweet,” said Thompson, as she toured various tables during the Information Fair.

“This is the place I wanted (Mary) to come. I felt Jackson State would take care of her; prepare her for corporate America or any where else she wants to go.”

Bria King from Jackson, Miss., said she will be excited to live on campus.  “Welcome week is a great experience for me. I got a lot of useful information and met a lot of people.”

Arekia Bennett also is excited about the welcome she has received.  “This has been amazing. I’m excited about all that Jackson State has to offer.”  She added: “I chose Jackson State because of the wonderful science and engineering program and my wonderful previous encounters with the college.”

James Booth, who plans to major in mass communications, said he already feels at home at JSU.   “I chose Jackson State because I wanted to support my heritage of being and African American. I wanted to attend an HBCU, and JSU just felt like a home away from home.”

Erin Deen from Moss Point, Miss., said meeting new people has been a highlight of the weekend.  “I got to meet a lot of new people, and all together, it was a great experience.”

Victoreea Harris from Las Vegas, Nevada, was not having such a great time at Sunday’s information fair.  “I feel like it’s a terrible welcome. I don’t like it because no one is helping me, right now.”

JSU will continue orientation and welcome week activities through Sunday. Upperclassmen return on August 17 and classes begin August 22.


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