Tips on how to successfully avoid creeps


Sierra Carrington
MC Contributor

As a student at Jackson State University, it seems that spring 2016 is the time for creeping season.

Alyssa Almogela, a junior biology major from Hawaii defines creep as, “A guy who likes a girl and tries to annoyingly pursue her, but the girl doesn’t like the guy back.”

Although not everyone categorizes creeps in the same exact way, there are set categories that creeps can easily be spotted in. So pay close attention.

According to There are 10 creepy guys you definitely need to avoid:

1. The boob starring creepy guy
2. The touchy feely creepy guy
3. The personal space creepy guy
4. The dirty talking creepy guy
5. The rich boastful creepy guy
6. The creepy fetish guy
7. The creepy stalker guy
8. The older creepy guy
9. The staring creepy guy
10. The loving creepy guy

Male students at JSU who want to be sure they are not following in the above ‘creep’ categories should pay attention to the advice given on “How To Flirt With Girls Without Appearing Creepy”.

• Approach immediately. Approach confidently. Smile. Keep it light. Give compliments about things other than her appearance.

• Do not be annoying or rude to the female if/when she tells you that she is not interested in you as a romantic partner.

Ladies, want to know how to best navigate through these men? Look no fur-ther.

The single greatest thing to do in situations with creeps is to be straightfor-ward and honest. If you honestly are not interested in him, then say that you are not interested.

Although not everyone has jumped on the honesty train, some girls have a different approach to it.

Cydnee Martin, a freshman biology major from Ohio said, “There are defi-nitely some creeps here. But there are plenty of guys here that are non-creepy too. When a creep comes up to me and is annoyingly persistent and pushy, then I usually just walk away saying that I need to be somewhere or I give them the ‘boyfriend card.”

The “boyfriend card” is a commonly used decline amongst females.

Kamri Brown, a sophomore business administration major from Houston, Texas, “I think my number one way to deal with creeps is I constantly have my headphones in so I avoid them trying to start a conversation. If that doesn’t work I hit them with some honesty. Like ‘no, sorry I’m not inter-ested’. If that doesn’t work I may tell them I have a boyfriend or that I swing the other way.”

All men at JSU are not creeps so please do not feel targeted. The best advice to give to the individuals who do creep is this: You do not have to be a creep in order to pursue your crush. You can pursue your crush in a positive way that doesn’t make her feel awkward or annoyed.

Ladies, show appreciation to the JSU males who aren’t pushy and are polite gentlemen. Show them that we admire what they are about and appreciate their respect towards us.


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