#TheeiLove: Advice to my fellow Tigers

Cartoon: Cedba Jackson

 Guy King
Staff Writer

Jackson State University (JSU), it’s that time again that everyone has been waiting on, the end of the 2015-2016 academic year. Congratulations to the class of 2016 (including myself) who will be graduating Saturday. Graduates, this is a great accomplishment and a true milestone in our road to success. Remember to give back to Jackson State University, because as young alumni if we do not take care of our own, no one else will.

For all returning students, as you prepare for finals and the summer, I wanted to give you some things to keep in mind. Participation in the 2016 presidential elections is vital this year, please research all candidates before you vote and make the best decision. Also, make sure you have registered for summer and fall courses. Do not be the student who comes back to JSU in the fall attempting to register and all classes are full.

To the freshmen (#JSU20) that will be receiving a copy of this paper once you move into your dormitory, welcome to JSU, where we challenge minds and change lives. Welcome to an institution that has produced successful alumni such as CBS correspondent, Demarco Morgan, former United States Secretary of Education, Rob Paige, actor Morgan Freeman, the Weather Channel’s Vivian Brown, and of course the late Walter Payton. As you enter the lobby of Alexander Hall and wonder why are their bullet holes in the wall, do not worry for your safety. You will learn in your University Success course about that tragic incident, and how JSU persevered racial tensions and thrives today.

Enjoy the late nights sitting in front of Alexander Hall on the Gibbs-Green Pedestrian Walkway, that everyone calls, “The Plaza”, watching the Sonic Boom of the South march from the band hall to the practice field. You should take a tour of Ayers Hall located beside the H.T. Sampson Library. You will learn that it is the oldest building on campus and home to the Margret Walker Alexander Center.

One thing that I never regretted was joining the Student Government Association (SGA). I met a lot of interesting people and a few of them are very close friends. I encourage you to think about joining, rather if it’s an elected position or volunteering on a committee. SGA is a great way for you to meet your peers and serve your community and university. Even if SGA isn’t for you, there are numerous organizations for you to join, including departmental, social justice, and national organizations.

Do not get caught up in the fun of JSU, remember you are here to get a degree and walk across that stage making your family and yourself proud. We have a saying here at JSU, those who attend class tend to pass. As freshmen, your professors are looking for those dedicated students who show an interest in learning. Make a good impression on them by introducing yourself to them and going to them if you need any help in the courses. There are plenty of upperclassmen that are willing to tutor freshmen. Trust me, they understand you guys are the future of our dear ole college home, and they want to see you succeed.

JSU is a family, and you are now a part of Tiger Land. Be sure to utilize every resource, including alumni to ensure you succeed while you’re at JSU and long after you graduate. Oh, and learn the alma mater! We like to say it a lot, #TheeiLove.


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