JSU Tigers, bring in the vote and change the tide!

Cartoon: Rhis Harris

Deirdra Harris-Glover
Managing Editor 

Many of us hope our degrees will lead us to opportunities to change the world, but you have the opportunity to create impact in November.

I am begging you to vote. I’m probably not the first person to ask you to vote, and I’m not likely to be the last.

This election cycle is hostile and divisive, and is only exacerbated by round-the-clock political coverage. A lot of people are so disappointed with the Democratic and Republican candidates for the presidency, they’re considering staying at home.

As a member of Generation X, we were branded by the Baby Boomers as shiftless and apathetic. I see similar themes in the “Greatest Generation’s” treatment of first-time voters.

Many pundits suggest that Millennials are too disorganized and petulant to vote at all. According to Pew Research, Millennials currently have the same percentage of the vote as the Baby Boomers. You have a unique opportunity to change the tide of politics in this country. Please take your rightful place in the voting booth and prove them wrong. As President Barack Obama suggested, “Don’t boo: vote!”

I’m also going to suggest you consider the drawbacks of voting third party, because I want your vote to have weight. Our current electoral system does not adequately support third-party candidates, and it will likely take decades to see any progress on that front.

It can be tempting to keep voting at your permanent address, but voting at the Jackson State precinct can help our university, the city we call home for the majority of the school year, and the state of Mississippi. Voter turnout on campus is very low, with poll records showing less than 200 ballots cast for some elections.

As a student body, our poor voter turnout directly reflects on this campus. Do not feed the stereotype that students love to complain but fail to vote. More than the presidency is stake.

Our decisions in state and municipal races affect the services available to you as well as JSU’s budget. According to a report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Mississippi higher education funding has decreased by 20-percent, shifting the burden onto taxpayers and students. We deserve legislators with policies that address your interests and concerns.

Our entire country was founded upon fighting for representation. This is a tipping point in American history, much the same way the 60s were a sea change in American politics and civil rights. Our communities need our presence and our collective talents, but they also need our votes. When we cast our ballots, we honor those who fought and died to obtain the right to vote. We honor our men and women in uniform who put themselves in harm’s way to protect America’s democratic republic.

The upcoming presidential election has the potential to dramatically change the course of our country for years to come: please make sure you participate, and urge others to do the same.

Register to vote at www.sos.ms.gov/elections-voting/ .


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