It’s time to bury Homecoming 2k16 and start fresh

Cartoon: Rhis Harris

William H. Kelly III

Homecoming 2016 has finally come to an end and I am nothing but excited. I am sure that we can all agree that this Homecoming was a bit overwhelming in every way possible. From the plethora of L’s that do not need to be restated, to the parties that were shot up by the most ignorant of people.

I just want to say to the freshmen, transfer students, and all visitors during Homecoming that I am so sorry that you had to experience this, I truly do apologize. Homecoming has never been this barbaric and depressing, especially the entire week and some!

Believe me when I say that JSU stays turnt up and the violence level is usually at an average. Of course, when you go to certain places you kind of expect to run…or maybe jog a little and come back once you realize it was a misunderstanding, but full out running a 400 meter dash is unacceptable.

Homecoming is supposed to be a time of seeing alumni and old friends who transferred fall semester of freshman year, late nights at the Waffle House, early mornings on someone’s room floor, turning up with students you have never talked to before, and so much more. It is literally a period in your life where you are hype off of an unexplainable happiness and living life like you do not have an exam in the morning.

Personally, I was working the entire Homecoming but I still found time to enjoy myself. Did I enjoy the actual overall festivities and events presented by the university? No. But I did enjoy the moments I spent with friends and fellow Tigers.

I encourage those of you who are reading this to stay optimistic a little while longer as we venture through the remainder of the school year. We will simply bury this Homecoming and hope that it doesn’t resurface like that one ex who won’t stop hitting you up. At this time, we must properly prepare for HoCo 2k17 and nurture it like our child to ensure that we do not experience similar obstacles.

After this HoCo, I am pretty sure that we as a university and student body can endure any and everything that is possibly thrown at us. I weep for the next set of idiots that attempt to come at us, you don’t want zero problems big fella!

The views expressed in the commentary are those of the writer(s) and in no way represent the views of The Blue & White Flash.


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