Sista Vanity’s Fashion Commandments: BON VOYAGE À LA BUNÉ


After dodging a series of raindrops, I have decided to let my drop top down to allow some form of light in to pierce through last semesters shade.

The Jackson weather has become an experience like no other and while I was in class today burning up from layers, I had an epiphany. The fashion “GAWDS” helped me realize that I can no longer judge you all for being fashionably challenged because I no longer know what to wear myself. So, this semester the fashion commandments will no longer be referenced, instead they will be taught!

1. Thou shall not wear bonnets outside the residence halls

2. Thou shall not wear ties that stop above the navel

3. Thou shall not wear Timberland boots to every function

4. Thou shall not wear shorts that expose ashy cheeks

5. Though shall not mix gold and silver jewelry

6. Thou shall not wear Adidas pants above the ankle

7. Thou shall not WEAR TIGHTS AS PANTS

8. Thou shall not wear pajamas outside your room

9. Thou shall not give fashion advice if thou cannot dress

10.  Thou shall not sag lower than the crack… or at all

Growing up, a young girl should learn at least three things in her life: Pull your skirt or dress down when you stand up, do not sit with your legs wide open and do not wear a bonnet, head scarf, du-rag, wave cap, rollers, or bantu knots outside your bedroom! Trendiness is not measured by how wild you appear to the public, but instead how presentable you are.


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