A letter from SGA President, Kendall Bunch

SGA President, Kendall Bunch


Years from now, many will hear the stories of the past university presidents, administrators, students, and the overall journey of Jackson State University. In that journey, past and present, one thing has and must remain a factor in the progression of this amazing university; STUDENTS!

We as students must gain a certain attitude and pride about what it means to be a JSU Tiger. We have to know what we want, what we need, and most importantly how to ensure that our wants and needs come to fruition.

The Student Government Association must claim our position as the strong voice and liaison between the students we serve and administration. We have failed our student body in past years, and have become stagnant in our journey to be the effective voice they need.

We have worked tirelessly this year to change the perception our students have of the Student Government Association. One step that we have taken following various disappointments in the Division of Student Affairs is to take a VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE in our Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Vivian Fuller. This step is one in which we hope will help us be more effective in our efforts to provide the student body with what they truly desire.

This decision comes after a Homecoming week that was plagued with cancellations and disorganization. Along with multiple hurdles and fights in the earlier months of this academic year. Individuals in our administration have created an environment for their employees in which they cannot effectively fulfill their duties. This environment has a trickle-down effect which ultimately stalls student progress.

Now that we have a change in administration, it is time for us to remove all those who have had a hand in creating this environment.  We know that things are not always easy for our student body, but we ask and plead that they continue to trust in us, their leaders; Not only trust us, but stand with us.

We are stronger together! Your problems are mine, and mine are yours; WE ARE ONE TIGER FAMILY!’


Kendall Bunch
Student Government Association President


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