Jordon Canada
Staff Writer
In a matter of two months, Antonio Brown has managed to lose 40 million dollars in guaranteed money as a result of his off the field antics. Brown has also found a way to knock himself completely out of the National Football League.
As reported in last week’s paper, Britney Taylor, a former personal trainer of Brown, filed a civil lawsuit accusing the superstar receiver of sexual assault and rape. It didn’t take long for Brown to respond, but his decision to respond and the way he responded was detrimental to himself and his career.
Brown was released by the New England Patriots on Friday, Sept. 20 after sending threatening texts to his sexual assault accuser. The Patriots, who embraced Brown and gave him a fresh start after his troubled past with the Pittsburgh Steelers and Oakland Raiders, released him just three days before they were due to pay him five million dollars.
The frustrated Antonio Brown took to twitter with an extensive rant saying, “I will not be playing in the @NFL anymore. These owners can cancel deals and do whatever they want at any time. We will see if the @NFLPA holds them accountable. It is sad they can just void guarantees going on 40m in 2 months, and we will see if they pay up!”
McKinney Dixon, a senior recreation administration major from Lexington, Miss, says, “He should get paid because the money was guaranteed, and he played in a game which contributed to a win.”
Brown also took a shot at the Patriots owner Robert Kraft who was recently charged with soliciting a prostitute. Brown tweeted, “Kraft got caught in the Parlor, but AB Speculations fired. Different strokes different folks clearly.” Additionally, in another tweet, Brown compared himself to Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, who also faced sexual assault and rape allegations back in 2010, but only received a four-game suspension.
Throughout this entire ordeal, Antonio Brown has proven that he is extremely unpredictable and very inconsistent. After his Twitter rant on Sept. 22nd Brown concluded his career as an NFL player was over, but just three days later Brown’s agent, Drew Rosenhaus, says his client Antonio Brown still wants to play in the NFL, and continue his Hall of Fame Career.
One thing that Brown has been consistent about is his tendency to point the finger and place blame on others for his mishaps. Whether it’s the coaches, the teammates, the owners, or the accuser, Antonio Brown has yet to stand and take accountability for any of his actions.
However, there are two sides to every story. Back in March 2019, Antonio Brown appeared on The Shop, a talk show hosted by Lebron James, and while Brown discussed his fall out with the Pittsburgh Steelers he stated that “The NFL controls the narrative and if we are not standing on a good foundation they can just paint you any kind of way. That’s what people don’t realize. It’s a controlled environment to where they can determine whether they are going to let me eat or not.”
Although these comments date back to March, they can still be applied to Antonio Brown’s situation today. As it was stated earlier there were allegations made against both Ben Roethlisberger and Robert Kraft who both are still employed, while Antonio Brown sits at home jobless.
Kevin Proctor, a sophomore computer science major from Jackson, Miss states, “Antonio Brown is correct when he says they control the narrative, because Ben, who was the golden boy at the time, only got suspended four games. However, Brown was cut because he was painted as the villain.”
No matter who holds the blame for Antonio Brown’s recent activity, one thing is for sure, Antonio Brown is not on an NFL roster, and it is highly unlikely that he will be any time soon.