Ashley reaches half way mark in Queen’s Campaign

Miss JSU Mea Ashley receives a check from RUF for her Queens Campaign.

Anna Baynham
Blue & White Flash / Staff Writer

The Queen’s Campaign fundraiser has reached the halfway mark with a $1,000 contribution from the campus organization, Reformed University Fellowship (R.U.F.).
A total of $5,100 in donations has been recieved since October 2011 with a little under two months left.
The Rev. Elbert McGowan, R.U.F. adviser, stated that the campaign’s goal to help students was why his organization chose to donate to the worthy cause.
“RUF loves the privilege of being a recognized campus ministry on the campus of JSU. We unashamedly love Jesus and love people; particularly past, present, and future students of JSU,” said McGowan. “The Queen’s Campaign gave us a vehicle to express our devotion to both God and mankind,” said McGowan.
He added: “Through asking the students involved in our ministry to sacrifice a portion of their financial resources for someone else, they faintly tasted what it meant for Jesus to sacrifice (not money, but his very own life) for others. They also discovered what students can do, when unified for a common cause! Through pledging to match whatever they gave, my wife and I led by example, seeking to model, for our students, what it means to give for the sake of others.”
“In the end, Christ’s example of sacrifice was shown.  Mea is $1,000 closer to her goal, we were blessed with the joy of giving, and a student that we don’t currently know, will benefit. It’s a real win-win situation,” stated McGowan.
Several students and campus organizations have also donated to the campaign including Ashley’s sorority, the Delta Pi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. The class of 2014 has also pledged to give $214 towards the campaign.
“A lot of money has been raised, and more is needed. The more money that we raise, the more of an opportunity students have to benefit from the scholarship,” said Quentin Hendree, a business administration major from Memphis, Tenn. and member of the Queen’s Court.
Ashley encourages every student, staff and faculty member at Jackson State to give to the Queen’s Campaign.
“This is the beginning of a wonderful legacy that I am trying to start at Jackson State. Don’t miss out on being a part of history,” said Ashley. “If every student gives five dollars to the campaign, we will more than reach our goal. This campaign is not about me, it’s about us supporting ourselves. I am encouraging everyone to donate.”
Ashley, her Queen’s Court, family, and friends will be at every home basketball game collecting proceeds for the campaign and donations will be taken until April 15th.
Donations can be made from students by going to their JSU PAWS Student accounts after completing registration or calling Institutional Advancement at 601-979-1383.


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