Beauty and the Beast take viewers on an enchanted adventure


Kendria Haley
MC Practicum/Staff

A tale as old as time has done it again! According to, the movie “Beauty and the Beast” took the box office by storm this past week grossing over $174 million in its’ debut weekend.

Emma Watson as Belle, and Dan Stevens as Beast, take their viewers on an enchanted adventure of love and misunderstanding. It opened in theaters on March 17.

Madison Lockett, a freshman biology/pre-med major from, St. Louis, Mo., was excited to watch the movie.

“I’m a sucker for a classic love story and there is no better classic than ‘Beauty and the Beast’,” she Lockett.

The remake of Disney’s classic 1991 film is getting great reactions from students. Many stated that it is better than the original.

LeKeyla Norris, a graduate student majoring in reading education from Ridgeland, Miss. said, “It was phenomenal. I loved how it stayed true to the original movie but still added different parts to enhance the story and make it better.”

According to, the music from the movie did not disappoint. Nostalgic songs like “Belle”, and “Be Our Guest” were included as well as a host of new music, making the movie appeal to young and old alike.

Brittany Patton, a senior biology major from Jackson, Miss., said, “’Something There,’I absolutely love that song. The music and the furniture made the movie for me.”

Although the movie has been quite successful, it had its share of setbacks. Protests and outraged people have protested Disney and the movie for incorporating some homosexual connotations into the film. Moments like Gaston being admired by Le Fou left some moviegoers wondering what kind of message the company was trying to send to the children watching.

“There were a couple of scenes that led me to believe that some of the characters were of the LGBT community. It wasn’t completely obvious to small children, I wouldn’t think. I would still allow a child to watch. I don’t think they would notice,” said Lockett.

Overall, the movie has received rave reviews from students around campus as well as people around the world.

“I thought the movie was well done, from the choice of actors to the delivery of each line of the script. There was a delightful mix of comedy and drama that kept me watching and wondering what would happen,” Patton said.

Dee Pitts, one of the many viewing the movie on opening weekend, recounted her favorite scene in the movie.

“There were many enjoyable parts of the movie, but I would have to say that my favorite was the dance scene between Belle and Beast,” said Pitts, a native of Gulfport Miss.

Pitts added, “I think the directors/producers did a great job at relaying to look for the good in a person instead of judging them by their outward appearance. That moment (Belle an Beast danced), for me, portrayed the true definition of humanity. Looking past what you see into the heart and soul of someone, and not letting the outer appearances determine how we treat and/or relate to them hit home for me.”

For more information, trailers, and movie times, visit


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