Blue World Depression: No money, No concert, No president


William H. Kelly III

I never thought that I would see the day that my controversial freshman year at Jackson State University would be surpassed but JSU has officially outdone itself. We deserve an Emmy award for the excellence and achievement in exposure via social media and news.

If you were not a student at JSU during the 2014-2015 academic year, I will attempt to give a brief synopsis. We experienced sit-ins and protests due to conflicts and confusion between campus police and students; there was an attempt to impeach our SGA President Keonte Turner; and lastly, a scandal with the Miss JSU pageant ultimately led to all pageant participants being allowed to  run for the coveted position.

Now, two years later, I sit here shocked, embarrassed, and disgusted at the status of our university, as they continue to “Challenge Minds and Change Lives.” I have people from back home and other universities asking me what the (bleep) is going on at Jackson State because we’ve been the hot topic for almost a week straight.

How can I possibly explain to my family and friends that everything is going just fine when headlines say otherwise? I am currently putting a hold on all recruitment back in Houston because I would hate for my friends and successors to experience this nonsense.

Before Dr. Meyers announced her resignation, I could literally physically feel the depression and depletion of student morale in the air.

Sadly, I don’t know what is more embarrassing, the fact that we have students contacting news stations about not getting a concert ticket or that we did not have the scheduled concert AND now do not have a president. Honestly,  we as a university and student body need to open our eyes and get our lives together.

I refuse to allow the establishment that I have invested in to become a laughing stock, that’s just being real. We have accomplished so much as an HBCU, 139 years worth of achievements at that and it is time to remind ourselves.

Homecoming week should not ever be like this, it is supposed to be lit, carefree, and students should barely remember their experiences. Meanwhile, it is the most petty, shady, memorable Homecoming of my college career thus far. Everyone knows that I am always here for shade but even I need a break, this overflow of mess is just too much to digest.

I encourage you all to remain optimistic but realistic during these times. I know that the universe is personally handing us major L’s back to back but we have to stay positive and look to the future.

We only get one Homecoming week out of the school year and we have to make the best of it, on our dry campus, and show the commentators (Slawcorn) that we are unbothered and doing perfectly fine as we sing Wayne and 2 Chainz songs outside of the AAC.


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