Dwayne Joseph, Jr.
MC Contributor/Staff Writer
To bring recognition to Halloween, Burger King has release one of its newest creation. The Black Whopper popped up in a Japanese location years ago and after being surfed around the internet for a number of years, it became available to the United States on Monday, Sept 28.
Burger King has invented some pretty tasty items for their menu, but this Halloween Burger was not the tastiest of them all.
This burger was wrapped so nicely like it always is. The crew served it with a smile and a “Thank you. Have a good day!”
Eagerly unwrapping the burger from the paper, the realization was that this was the highest point of my day. Speechless at the whooper bun with sesame seeds on it in an unfamiliar color, I asked myself was I making a mistake. Of course my roaring stomach disagreed and the enticing smell of A1 steak sauce eased up my nose. Taking the top bun off, revealed was its condiments which gave more reason for me to dig deep in my soul and pull out my inner beast to devour this succulent meal.
Pulling the burger towards my mouth to eat, all I could smell was A1 sauce that encouraged me to keep going until I took a huge Andrea the Giant bite.
Why did I do that?
This bun is so-called baked in steak sauce so if you are a person that enjoys steak like I do, then prepare to be disappointed. This burger is good, don’t get me wrong, but I speculate that the Halloween Burger is infused with food coloring.
Food coloring turn whatever it touches that particular color. If you have red food coloring and you pour some in a bottle of water, the water will turn red. To make this a little less disturbing, there is an old saying that says “what goes in must come out.” To keep it short, after the burger is digested, it turns the color of the water in the toilet green. So if this has happened to you, do not be alarmed it is just the food coloring from the buns of the burger.
Social media buzzed with tweets from E-newsdigest saying “@BurgerKing The tweets and social media feedbacks says it is really ‘thunderous’, with Black IN and Green OUT!”
There’s a saying that says, “Everything that looks good, ain’t good.”
Another tweet went out from Two Cows, a small game developer that said, “@Gizmodo Tried this sandwich. Way worse than a regular whopper. 4/10, edible but not tasty. Does not satisfy. Green poo is real.
Whoppers are good, but the steak sauce is a condiment that should not be used as if it is mustard or something.
When I first heard about the releasing of the Halloween Burger, I was so anxious to get my hands on it. But now with anything a person wants so bad, their expectation can be fulfilled or they can be disappointed. I am not going to say that I was disappointed, but my expectation was not fulfilled. If you do not take my word for it, go to any local Burger King and try it yourself! The Halloween Burger will be selling until the end of October.