Choose happiness over money for career

Mark Braboy

Mark Braboy
Blue & White Flash / Staff Writer

When I first came to Jackson State University in 2008, one of the most daunting tasks I encountered many students struggling with (after registration of course) is picking a major.

Most students like me have had their minds made up about what they wanted to major in since their junior or senior years of high school. Others either started undecided and picked their majors later or have already chosen a major but changed it multiple times.

What makes this decision so hard for many of us is deciding if we should choose a major that will make us happy even though we may not start off making much money or if we should sacrifice our lifelong dreams to pick a major that’s practically guaranteed to start off with a high paying salary?

I strongly feel as if students should take a chance and find something that they would love to do, rather than working their lives away for a salary.

In my opinion, I do not find it wise to pick a major strictly for the money unless it is something you like to do because the outcome does not equal success. Doing this will lead to taking courses that you have no interest in, doing mind numbing and soul crushing work that you probably will not apply yourself at doing, and overall make your college experience virtually meaningless.

Throughout my time at Jackson State, I have witnessed many of my peers from majors such as engineering, computer science, mathematics, and even mass communications struggle in their chosen majors, having a terrible impact on their GPAs and their mental well being. At the same time, I have witnessed people who chose majors based on what they love to do excel not only in the classroom, but they were dedicated and able to find strong careers in the future.

Having a major that you are comfortable with is a reward within itself because part of life is about finding your purpose and what you have been placed in this world to do. Doing what you believe in doing brings your best attributes as far as the work you accomplish.

Lashanda W. Jordan, the Director of the Career Services Center at Jackson State, believes that students who pick the field that is suited for them are more successful in college rather than those who do not.

“A person who chose their major based on their passions has a greater likelihood of graduating on time and having a successful career rather than a person who chose their major based on money,” said Jordan.  “A lot of students change their majors so many times because they end up getting themselves into fields they haven’t researched before and they weren’t happy about their experience.”

The hardest thing that many of us have to do is to deal with our family as they want what’s best for us and may have had their own ideas about our  life. Despite that, I encourage students to have faith in what you choose to do. Do not allow anyone to tell you that you won’t be successful in your craft because of what they’ve heard from the misinformed or television! And if you are great at what you do, the financial rewards will come sooner than you may realize. Therefore, the dream job you desire will come.

“Follow your heart when it comes to choosing your major. If you’re being pressured then you have to take a long hard look into what you have a passion for. Do some research in different majors and talk to professors and faculty from that department to see if the classes are what fits you,” said Jordan.

For those who are still confused in your choice of major should be, check out the self assessment known as Type Focus in the Career Services Center.   The CSC also provides career coaching, help with job skills, help  finding internships in your major, and gives you other valuable resources.  Good luck!

The views expressed in the commentary are those of the writer(s) and in no way represent the views of The Blue & White Flash.


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