‘Choose to Reuse’ program and more introduced


William H. Kelly III
Associate Editor 

The students at Jackson State University were given the opportunity voice their concerns and hear from student leaders and administrators at the first student body meeting of the semester on Sept. 17.

The meeting, held in the Student Center Theatre, began with a ticket giveaway for the JSU versus Southern University football game.

After introductions from the Student Government Association (SGA) and Royal Court, the class council presidents took the floor to update students on upcoming events. A judicial report was also shared during the meeting.

“We have had 30 judicial hearings for 30 students. Of those students, 17 were female and 13 males. There have been five dismissed cases and zero appeals. We are also proud to say we have had no suspensions this year so far,” said Charance Wright, SGA Chief Justice.

Miss Jackson State University 2015-2016, Charance Higgins, shared upcoming events hosted by the royal court.

“We’re all aware of the school shootings that have been happening at our universities right? Most recently, we’ve had Delta State and also a few weeks ago, Savannah State University, Texas Southern University, and several others just within this semester. So if you would like to, I’m starting an initiative, it’s called love letters for our universities and you can write a letter of love to those students who are affected by those tragedies and bring them to the SGA office,” said Higgins.

For students with questions about dining services and bringing back to-go-boxes in the Heritage Dining Hall, Sodexo representatives Valarie Greenwood and Clarence Dunmore were on hand to share information on the ‘Choose to Reuse’ program.

“Choose to Reuse is a reusable container program designed to reduce waste and help achieve Sodexo’s better tomorrow commitment by replacing your single-use foam containers that you’re used to with an actual plastic reusable containers that you can bring back,” said Greenwood, Sodexo Operations Manager.

To participate in the program, students must fill out an application using their basic information and pay $10 for the set, which includes a large container and 16 ounce beverage cup.

“You have to have a meal plan and you have to be a student in order to participate in this program. “The way this works is when you walk in, you tell the cashier you want to apply for the application. She will give you a green clip with a logo on it and you will take that clip over to the salad area. There will be a young lady that will hand you both sets to go fill up,” said Greenwood.  When you come back in to eat, you will bring your used container back rinsed out, hand it to the cashier, she’ll put it in a bucket and give you a brand new clean one each time. We are looking to be up and ready depending on our general manager getting back from our district meeting.”

Contact a class council senator for the next student body meeting.

All photos by William Kelly III


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