Consider nail care routine


Diamond Jenkins
Blue & White Flash / Staff Writer

When you shake a person’s hand, borrow a pen or text a friend, for example, someone is probably going to notice your hands and nails. So whether you prefer manicured, polished nails or opt for a more natural look, you might want to consider a frequent nail car routine.Whether you go for red, hot pink, or a more neutral nail color, nothing is more important than what is underneath the polish.

Nail care for men involves the same procedures and products as for women. Even most of the brands that have traditionally sold nail care products for women only have adapted to the shift in demand and now offer a whole series of nail care products especially for men. Nail salons also offer procedures for men, though the prices for men tend to be higher than the prices for women.

Detrice Sumler, manicurist at the JSU Hair and Nail Studio said, “Just like your hair and your body, you have fungi that may grow even on your nails. Some people have little black lines that they have on their nails… these are parasites caused from things we never think about, like dust or water,” said Sumler.

“People do not pay attention to if they walk around bare foot or if you take a bath and never clean underneath your toes, that is fungus that builds up. Me as a manicurist I have to make sure that I scrub underneath my own nails [to ensure my own health],” she added.

“Someone could be HIV positive and the cells from someone else’s nails could be under mine, but we don’t think that deeply into nail care.”

Proper techniques to handling nail care is simple for women and men. Many men think they are invincible to poor nail hygiene.
Demarcus Lee, a mathematics major from Dallas, Texas, said “I never get manicures. It’s just not me.”

Ashley Henderson, a biology major from Prentiss, Miss. said, “I always get my nails done and I hate how the acrylic makes my real nails break off. But, I go through so much with my nails and I never think about the actual nail hygiene.”

Here are some interesting facts on how to maintain the health of your nails. During the summer, nail hygiene is just as important as hair, and clothing. A great outfit can be ruined by unkept feet or  peeking out from her sandals. Summertime means a change in weather, clothing, and activities. Shoes come off and are replaced by sandals, with feet on full display. Year round nail and toe maintenance is recommended, but if your nails have been neglected during the winter months, now is the time to get them in shape. Here are some easy tips to keep them up; not only for the summer, but year round.

-Don’t pick or tear hanging nails
-Cut down on polish remover- the acetone in it make nails brittle, which causes them to break off
– Keep your nails short (especially for men). The shorter the nails, the less likely you are to have to deal with nail damage
– Vaseline. An old trick of all trades; can be used to moisturize your cuticles and promote nail growth.


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