First Week, First Memories, First time at Jackson State


Tyler Harden
Staff Writer

Growing up, my mother consistently told me one thing: “You are going to college!

Even though she didn’t complete college herself, obtaining a degree was not an option for me; it was a necessity. While most children had the luxury of thinking about careers as entertainers or athletes, I knew all along that my career path included some form of higher education.

As I began searching for a college home, I discovered that obtaining a degree isn’t cheap! To play with the big boys, you had to spend big boy money.

It was during this search that I discovered “Thee Jackson State University.” JSU afforded me the opportunity to attend school without having any financial burdens. Even though I was extremely excited to leave Hattiesburg, Miss. and make Jackson my new home, I was also extremely nervous. My first week wrapped both of these emotions into one.

When I first arrived on campus with my mother, everything went smoothly….until she approached the roundabouts. The vehicle’s speed dropped from 45 miles per hour to a whopping 5 miles per hour. I think that’s when both she and I realized that this journey is really beginning, and there was no turning back.

I’m pretty sure I fit the freshman stereotype. For the first three days, I religiously wore my Student ID around my neck. I thought it made me look “official.” I had that look of confusion because walking around campus made me feel like I was in rush hour traffic in New York, but eventually everything mellowed out and I began to stroll with ease.

As a Southerner, I loved meeting Northerners. I learned a new term: fried- saying something completely irrelevant or stupid. It amazes me how Jackson State appealed to so many different students from so many different places.  Contrary to popular belief, my HBCU is quite diverse.

My favorite days of the week are Fried Chicken Wednesdays and Fried Fish Fridays. And yes, I did pick those days based on the food that was served. I quickly learned that you have to arrive at the cafeteria at least ten minutes early to avoid long waits. But if waiting and having patience isn’t your thing, perhaps you’d like to spend your Tiger Bucks.

Some of the best advice I received was related to spending my Tiger Bucks. Tiger Bucks are sacred and should not be thrown around without care. The thrill of Fried Chicken Wednesday and Fried Fish Friday will grow old, but those Tiger Bucks will be right there to catch you when you fall.

After completing my first week of classes, I knew I made the right choice by choosing JSU. I’m so excited to continue my journey at my dear ole college home. From the awkward conversations about visitation (and the fact that we can’t do laundry during visitation) to the different chants and dances, JSU has engraved a special place in my heart.


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