Flash managing editor gives key to a successful midterm week

Cartoon by Ivory Lowe

“It’s time for midterms already?” …“Wow, it seems like the semester just started.”…“I’m not prepared at all!”


Yes, it is officially that time of the year and you what that means. The semester is moving very quickly, so if you were not serious about your grades before, you have no choice but to buckle down now.

Midterms can be very stressful and quite challenging especially if you have to take more than one exam in one day.

Now if you are one of the people that chose to attend the hotspots or the student center during your class time…I hate to say it, but there may be a huge L waiting for you once grades post.

Commentary by Deja Davis, Managing Editor

Or maybe my ways of preparing for exams could help you make the right decision before it is too late.

  1. 1.    Attendance is key.

Go to class regularly so the professor knows that you are paying attention. It is very important to be aware of how many unexcused absences you may have. Professors always remember the ones that are always present, and you want to make sure you are in good-standing with your professors before and even after midterm exams.

  1. 2.    Always stay organized. 

Being organized is the top priority while preparing for midterms. Keeping a planner by my side as ALWAYS helped me during this time. That also means making sure that you have kept all your notes and paperwork nicely set in your notebook as well. I mean…. that is a guaranteed passing grade which brings me to my last tips.

  1. 3.    STUDY!!!!!…or just get ready to fail.

While you are out going to parties and kickbacks, you can use that time to have study sessions solo or with a group. It is so much of a relief to study throughout the semester than to memorize or attempt to cram everything in your head in one night (which I know most of you will do.)

According to thoughtco.com, studying should take place at least one week in advance to reduce stress and give yourself time to absorb the material that you have learned.

Highlighting key elements in your class notes. You can either organize them by dates or rewrite on flash cards to help you keep track of the most important sections marked. The highlight will make the words stand out and help you to remember the information easily.

Even though studying is a major part to passing midterm examinations, sleeping is just as important. It is known that performances on tests will begin to suffer while trying hard to stay awake.

New research from the University of Notre Dame shows that going to sleep shortly after retrieving new material is most beneficial for recalling information and still being able to get the rest needed.

Students that do not sleep enough face a higher risk of academic failure while students who sleep enough also get better grades than students that lack sleep.

• Being that it is officially midterm week, remember to:

• Get off Instagram and Twitter, put your phone down and get some rest!!

• Students who GO TO CLASS tend to pass!

• Study those key terms and study guides to make sure you know the information!

• We all know C’s get degrees but why not aim higher for A’s to get a higher GPA?!


I wish you all the best of luck!




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