High school students learn media skills at MSPA workshops [GALLERY]

High school students discuss news story topics during the MSPA News Writing session. Photo: William H. Kelly III

Mississippi Scholastic Press Association (MSPA) Fall Workshops for high school students were held at the Mississipi eCenter on Sept. 28. Hosted by the Jackson State University School of Journalism and Media Studies, students from a variety of Mississippi high schools learned about how to become better journalists, editors, photographers, and more. The workshop lasted from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

This was the first year MSPA was held at JSU, and comes after the Spring 2016 announcement of a new partnership between JSU and the University of Mississippi.

Several categories were discussed in the workshops to help the student better themselves in many fields of journalism, including news writing, feature writing, photography, design and layout, and many other topics.

Students attended college journalism classes and labs and were able to gain hands on experience in many aspects of media.

The MSPA workshop served as a guide for high school students interested in a career in journalism.

 “This workshop has been an eye-opener as to what I can expect as far as journalism in college,” said Amber Gillespie, a senior at Murrah High School and yearbook staff member.

Students who attended the workshop were taught courses by college professors who teach college journalists.

“Just to hear from more professional journalists and people who have more experience was very helpful to me,” said Ishmael Gray, a senior at Murrah High School and member of the yearbook staff.

The workshop also helped students who were unsure about their college majors visualize a career in journalism.

“It’s making me realize whether I want to go into journalism or not; if it’s the major I really want to go into,” said Abbie McCool, a senior at Yazoo County High School and member of the yearbook.

MSPA offers opportunities to high school students who wish to improve their journalistic skills. The MSPA workshops aid many of these students in determining their future in journalism.

Editor’s Note: This story was written by high school students participating in the MSPA Fall Workshops hosted by the JSU School of Journalism and Media Studies. Matthew Hairston (Murrah High School), Reagan Bussey (Warren Central High School) Abbie Mccool (Yazoo County High School), and Ashton Giesecke (Madison Central) all contributed to this story.

Photo: William H. Kelly III


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