Thank You from Mea E. Ashley

Mea E. Ashley

Dear Fellow Jacksonians,

It is such an honor to have been elected as your next Miss Jackson State University!  I thank each of you for your support and love throughout my campaign season. I have been blessed to have been surrounded by so many people who have had my best interest at heart…you! It is people like you that have made the start of this wonderful experience unforgettable. Without your constant encouragement through prayers, Facebook messages, texts, and calls, I would not have been victorious. There aren’t enough words that can express how appreciative I am. So from the bottom of my heart I thank you all.

I truly love Jackson State and the people. The experiences I’ve gained over the past three years is why I feel that it is time for me to serve. As your Miss Jackson State University, I am here to serve as your ambassador, voice, and queen. Please know that you can always approach me and have a conversation. I am here for you…the student body. I love to meet new people and am very sociable.

My platform is “Setting Admirable Standards.” With this platform I want to inspire students to be the best group of leaders Jackson State has ever seen. My goal is to enhance the professionalism and success of the students throughout their matriculation in college and in the job market after graduation. I want to encourage students to pay attention to the precedent that they set while they are in school. Being such an involved member of the student body has exposed me to many things that have shaped me into the leader that I am today and I want to share those experiences with the entire campus. My Royal Court and I are planning some exciting events for the upcoming year.  I hope that you will jump on board and join us! I’m looking forward to having a great time during my reign and once again thank you!

Mea E. Ashley
Miss Jackson State University Elect 2011-2012


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