SGA President Brian Wilks urges students to stay connected

Stay Connected

Brian Wilks
JSU SGA President / Special to the Flash

Welcome to Jackson State University. I am honored to hold the baton that will lead this 2012-2013 Student Government Association administration to greater heights.  We are at your service.

The 2012-2013 SGA administration is committed to ensuring that your time at Jackson State is full of enlightenment, involvement, and enjoyment.   We will work tirelessly to make certain that your University has always as its chief concern the well-being of its scholars.

Government is to govern.  Govern means to lead.  Leading means to serve and to protect.  The SGA is dedicated to not only serving the needs of our student body but also, protecting their academic environment. This is our duty and I challenge you to hold us accountable to fulfill it.

This year we are operating under the motto “For the People.”  This is because we desire for every decision we make to keep you in mind.  We are only as good as the condition of the people we serve.  This is our University and as elected leaders we have been handed the responsibility of preserving its long legacy of challenging minds and changing lives.  Join this year’s SGA administration in its efforts to continue to press forward toward the mark of greatness.  This is not achievable without the support of our peers. We need you.   After all, everything we do is “For the People.”

I’d like to share some of the goals we have set for this academic year, and tell you how we plan to get things done. I encourage you to get involved and make a positive difference at your university.

We plan to:
• Increase Student Involvement
• To implement the “ Choose 1” campaign to encourage every student on campus to get involved in ONE student organization

SGA Meeting Dates

• We will work with the Division of Undergraduate Studies to garner more freshmen and  sophomore involvement
• We will visit University Success classes to promote the SGA and encourage students to get involved.
• We will encourage students to get active in their state clubs via the Pre-Alumni Council
• To focus on more innovative and broad publicity of all SGA sponsored events
• We will aggressively utilize social media. (Facebook, Twitter, Student Life and University Website)
•  We will recruit students to act as At Large members of the SGA. They will be the Street Team.
•  We will implement the SGA Book Stipend Sweepstake as an incentive to get involved in campus life.
•  Increase Student Moral
• To work to increase support of JSU athletes beyond football and basketball
• We will organize to increase SGA presence at athletic events. (Volleyball, Soccer, Baseball, Tennis, Bowling, Golf, Track)
•  We will utilize the Street Team and social media to help expand interest in athletic events.
• To work to create a campus atmosphere that also caters to our commuter student community
• We will join the University on its established efforts to create a more commuter friendly environment.
• Increase Social Awareness.
• To sponsor inventive programming and methods to promote the “Rock the Vote” voter registration campaign
• We will encourage state clubs to educate members on their respective state procedures of absentee voting and voter registration transfer.
• We will utilize incentives, the Street Team and social media to promote the importance of voting.
• To implement a second, yet seamless, component of the “Choose 1” campaign that encourages students to get involved in a community service project
• We will utilize incentives, the Street Team and social media to promote the importance of fulfilling the University-required 120 community service hours.


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