Don’t fall prey to fitness winter hibernation


Presiana Dawson
Staff Writer

Many times during the winter months, students lose their drive to stay physically healthy with working out. Some individuals do not understand that there are activities that they can partake in that do not necessarily require them to stay outside in the cold weather.
Olivia Simpson, a sophomore engineering major from Memphis, Tenn. said, “I find it difficult to workout outside during the winter season because I do not function well in the cold, so I do workouts in my room, such as Yoga, Intense yoga and Insanity.”

In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, students have to discover alternatives to their outside activities if they do not feel comfortable with winter’s chill. The Walter Payton Recreation and Wellness Center has a wide array of machines, free weights and fitness classes, such as cycling and Taekwondo, to help keep students active.

Alesha Jackson, a sophomore engineering major from Jackson, Miss. said, “Since I cannot bring myself to workout outside when it’s cold out, I do take the initiative to participate in the classes that the Walter Payton Center offers. Also, I learn exercises that are great for the indoors.”

The Walter Payton Center has a well-trained staff available to assist gym members on the machines and with information on fitness classes and exercises. Tyrone Hargro, the wellness and fitness coordinator, is one of these people.

“There is an increase of the amount of people who use the Walter Payton Center during the winter months. The reason for the increase is because some people believe that is too cold to workout outside, and some of these people just go inside instead, ” said Hargro.
He offers these tips for staying fit during the winter months.

1.Use the cold to freeze your fat!
By exposing yourself to slightly colder temperatures than you are used to, it may be possible to naturally boost your metabolism and burn more calories without any extra effort

2. Explore the great indoors at the WPC or your local gym
It’s cold out, but you don’t have to stay home and hibernate. Explore all the great options for fitness indoors.

3. Dose up on vitamin D.
Decreased hours of daylight and cold temperatures during the winter months can set you up for a vitamin D deficiency, which can inhibit weight loss and even contribute to depression.

4. Boost your mood and house-hold movement with music.
It’s cold outside and you don’t want to go out. Download a playlist onto your IPod, iPads, and listen to the music while you’re cleaning house, getting dressed or doing chores.

5. You train like the athletes do.
Periodizing your workout schedule is a great way to get better results and out of your routine.


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