Students express frustrations over parking issues

The struggle is real trying to find a parking spot. Photo: William Kelly

Tenesha Hughes
Staff Writer

Ask students at Jackson State University about parking and most likely you will not hear anything good.

The enrollment rate at JSU increased to over 9,500 students, aided by the out-of-state waivers for students enrolling in the science, technology and engineering fields and free iPads to incoming freshmen.

According to Claude Huddleston, Director of Residence Life, there are more than 2,400 residential students at Jackson State, many of whom have vehicles on campus.  The Commuter Student Program, led by Gilda Robinson, reports that approximately 7,000 students commute to JSU every day.

Many students are choosing JSU to meet their educational needs and JSU is working to accommodate these students in all areas, including parking.

“I love that my university is growing and becoming more technology savvy, but we will run into a problem when students are at uproar about not being able to get to class because they can’t find a park,” said Abrianna Brown, a senior education major from Chicago, Ill.

Randle Smith Jr., a senior criminal justice major from Scott, Miss., is also displeased with the parking options on campus.

“I live off campus, so when I come on campus I have to rush to find a parking spot because there is nowhere to park. I literally drive around five or six times in circles searching for available spots, or I have to park really far from the building I need to go into,” said Smith.

The Department of Public Safety began towing cars parked illegally, in reserved spots or without the required decals on Sept. 2., at the owner’s expense.

Some students are hoping the university will build a parking garage to accommodate the lack of parking spots.

“A parking garage will only help us as a university,” said Brown. “Every since I have been going to JSU, I have always had an issue with finding a parking spot. The second week of school, my car was towed and I had to wait till I had enough money to get it back.”

DaMarius Cotton, Crime Prevention Officer for the Department of Public Safety at JSU, wants to make sure students know the importance of a parking decal.

“The only way to enter onto the campus is to have a parking decal. If you haven’t noticed,  new entrance gates are being put up on Prentiss Street and Lynch Street, so that’s going to help provide more parking in AAC parking lot area for commuter students, ” said Cotton.       According to DPS, JSU has nine available parking lots on campus for commuter students.  They are located at the Lee E. Williams Athletics and Assembly Center, south of John A Peoples, Just Hall of Science, College of Education, T.B. Ellis Gym, Walter Payton Fitness & Recreation Center, Brady Baseball Field, on Short Street and next to the soccer field.

There are three parking lots for residential students that are located closest to the residence halls. Shuttle buses are also available for students who park off campus at the Mississippi e-Center. If you have to park far away from your location and need an escort, you can call campus police at 601-979-2580.

“Traffic laws are enforced on campus, therefore parking illegally will have your vehicle subject to being towed at your expense and at your fault,” said Cotton.  “In order to keep your car from being towed make sure you do not park in any fire lanes, towing loading zone, on the street, reserved or on the university’s grass, and make sure to look for no parking signs. If you do those things you will not have to worry about having your car towed.”

Parking decals can be purchased through the Office of Financial Services and picked up from the Department of Public Safety.


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