Jackson State University campaign season in full swing

Photo by William Kelly

William Kelly

Jackson State University is currently experiencing campaign madness as campaign season is in full swing with Student Government Association positions up for grabs for the 2015-2016 academic school year.

Candidates are showing JSU students just how much they want to represent them by distributing materials such as hand bills, banners, posters, campaign videos, and more! While all of these things may seem very appealing, students such as Darius Burns, a freshman psychology major from Dallas, Texas is more interested in genuine conversation.

“I honestly believe that there are some people who offer more than others but just because you have more materials doesn’t mean you have more knowledge or wisdom,” said Burns.

Students are getting first class treatment this week as candidates are serving breakfast, lunch and other edible treats in residence halls and the Gibbs-Green Walkway, eager to grab the students’ attention and vote.

“In all honesty, I feel like I’ve known who I was voting for before elections even started. I feel that most students, specifically upper classmen, always know who they want to be in office,” said Jerry Rogers, a sophomore accounting major from Memphis, Tenn.

Some students feel that the candidates are going overboard with their election tactics.

“It’s a bit too much, but it’s fun because it’s like a little presidential election,” said Deante Morgan, a junior art major from Jackson, Miss.

The are three candidates vying for the position of SGA President. Michael Gorden of Stone Mountain, Ga., Henry Goss of Jackson, Miss., and Rashad Moore of Jackson, Miss.

Gorden is a mass communications major with a minor in political science. He has been involved in SGA since his freshman year, serving as his freshmen class president and is currently serving as SGA Vice President.

Goss, a mass communications major with a minor in marketing, served as sophomore class president, and is currently the president of the JSU chapter of the NAACP.

Moore is a criminal justice major who has served as SGA freshman business manager, Mr. Sophomore, and currently serves as junior class president.

Students will head to the polls at Jackson State University on April 10, 2015, beginning at 9 a.m. in the Jacob L. Reddix General Purpose Room to determine who will lead students at JSU.

Absentee Voting was offered from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Student Center on April 8, 2015, for students who were unable to vote on April 10th.


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