The dreaded midterm season has arrived here at JSU

Cartoon by Kristen Hudson

 Jeremy Anderson
Associate Editor

If you are a freshman, you are probably just realizing how much of a joke high school midterms are compared to college midterms (if you haven’t realized it yet, I promise that you will soon).

If you’re a sophomore or junior, graduation might seem so far away that you’ve contemplated dropping out a few times after asking, “Is college really for me?” After all, according to rapper Future, God’s blessing a certain group of people, and it isn’t the scholars.

If you’re a senior, you might be so over undergraduate school that you just can’t wait to be done.

Wherever you are in your collegiate career, right now you probably have professors that are challenging your mind too much and changing your life in ways you aren’t too fond of.

But one thing that we all have in common is that we need to push through.

Hard times are a part of college. What’s the value of a college degree if it isn’t well earned?

Going into midterms, it is important to not let stress get the best of you. Stress is good, it means you care, but too much stress can lead to health problems and probably low performances on your midterm grades.

The key is to find a good balance between your studies and your health. If you have challenging classes that require a lot of time to study, break up your studying into intervals. Cramming usually doesn’t help you understand the material.

Also, make sure you get enough sleep during midterms. The infamous all-nighters that many college students are accustomed to may not always work for everybody. If you have to spend most of the night/morning studying, try taking short naps in between. It’ll help you focus and help you retain just enough energy to get through your week of examinations.

Another tip is to make sure you eat properly. Healthy energy comes from good foods, not energy drinks.

Furthermore, it is most important to remember that you still have time to achieve all of your goals.

Whether you are a student looking for all A’s this semester or you go by the “C’s get degrees” motto, great midterm scores can boost your grades going into the second part of the semester and give you the confidence to still achieve whatever goals you’ve set for yourself.

Happy midterm season!


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