Jennifer Wiles
Staff Writer
Twenty-eight seconds of silence was asked of you as the lights dimmed and a sound of torture filled the Student Center theatre.
Aaron Walker
Staff Writer
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is coming to Mississippi for the march on Nissan to bring awareness for poor working conditions at the...
Jaleesa Harris
Guest Writer
A loosely autobiographical play, “The River Niger” was originally performed by the Negro Ensemble Company and winner of the Tony Award as...
Kendria Haley
Staff Writer/Practicum
It has been over 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation was signed freeing more than 3 million slaves. However, many African-Americans, as...
Darrenlyn Braddy
Staff Writer/MC301
Carter G. Woodson, African-American historian, author, journalist and the founder of Black History Month once said, “Those who have no record of...