Pulitzer Prize finalist Jerry Mitchell told a group of reporters, editors, producers, students and journalism educators to be investigative journalists that do what he...
Winnie A. Bush
MC301 Student
The immigration ban enacted by President Donald Trump in January, which bars people from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the...
William H. Kelly
One of the most eventful times of the school year is approaching and students as well as alumni and neighboring universities have...
Alexandria Galtney
Managing Editor
In conjunction with the Department of English and Modern Foreign Languages, the NCTE held its National African-American Read-In on Monday, Feb 6-7.
Chelsey Jones
Staff Writer/MC301
Valentine’s Day is known as the day that couples show their love for each other by exchanging lavish and expensive gifts. That...
Alexandria Galtney
Managing Editor
On Friday, Jan. 27, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to put a pause on all immigration in some countries...
Aaron Walker
Staff Writer/MC301
Jackson State University students had the opportunity to network with local agencies looking for student volunteers as well as meet potential employers...