Over 50 community partners urged students to volunteer and serve
Shane Savannah
Staff Writer
Jackson State University students learned how they could serve at the Community in...
Jennifer Wiles
Staff Writer
The Outspoken organization at Jackson State University showcased their talents during a fall interest show held on Sept. 7 and informed potential...
Gabrielle Brawner
MC Contributor/Staff Writer
Tackling black stereotypes and every day experiences in the African-American culture, MADDRAMA Performance Troupe put on a show to remember at...
Simon Cotton
MC Contributor
The newest members of the Jackson State University Sonic Boom of the South experienced their first football game this past weekend at...
Dwayne Joseph Jr.
Staff Writer
Jackson State University students with a passion for communication learned how they could hone and practice their craft at the annual...
Over 55 clubs & organizations connect with students
William Hawkins Jr.
Staff Writer
Over 55 Jackson State University clubs and organizations encouraged hundreds of potential members to get...
Special to the Flash
More than 120 Jackson State University students completed applications at a voter registration drive held on the Gibbs-Green Pedestrian Walkway on...