De’Arbreya Lee
Staff Writer
It’s not easy being a student and trying to fulfill your life’s goals, but it’s certainly not unattainable. Just ask Jackson State...
Britney Davis
Guest Writer
The Insatiable Modeling Squad (IMS) held its annual spring fashion show, “The Dream” on April 14, 2011 in the Jacob l. Reddix...
Tiffany Edmondson
Staff Writer
Many students and candidates, especially members of the freshman class, are walking around campus wondering why some of them couldn’t vote for...
Special to the Flash
Some Jackson State University students will probably agree with USA Today contributor Tom Krattenmaker’s assertion in a recent article that students...
Alexander Robinson
Associate Editor
According to the Central Intelligence Agency’s Factbook, the United States has an external debt of $13.9 trillion dollars, the highest debt among...