Bridgette James
Blue & White Flash / Guest Writer
Local photographer Abram Jones wakes up every day thankful for his life. The added years he is experiencing came, unfortunately, as the gift of an organ donor who gave him a new heart.
Jones, a Jackson State University graduate, said: “Do not look at organ donations as a negative. My family would not have me if I did not receive my heart transplant. Anybody who can, should become one.”
There are more than 100,000 men, women and children in the United States waiting for an organ. According to, in Mississippi alone, there are more than 1,000 on the waiting list and each day 18 people die while waiting.
Understanding the importance of organ donations, the JSU chapter of the American Marketing Association (JSU-AMA) partnered with the Mississippi Organ Recovery (MORA) to conduct a forum and registration event titled “AMASavesLives”.
The purpose of the event was to increase awareness of the need for organ donations. Concentrating on students, faculty and staff in the College of Business, more 500 individuals heard the presentation, and 106 registered to be organ donors.
Students and members of AMA said the forum was very informational.
Fatima Assan, a junior marketing major from Wiggins, Miss. and president of AMA said: “This event was very helpful in understanding organ donations.”
Reggie Jackson, a senior marketing major from D’Lo Miss., stated: “I enjoyed it, and received new knowledge of organ donations that will benefit many people.”
Faculty members came to support the event as well, saying it was a great way to inform their students.
Professor Gwendolyn Catching, in the Department of Marketing and Management and AMA advisor said: “I am very happy about the success of the event.”
According to MORA staff members, this was their “best one-day drive.”
During the spring competition for the Collegiate American Marketing Association, JSU-AMA won two awards for its AMASavesLives event. AMA won best event and received fourth place for the number of donors registered, earning a total of $175 for the chapter. The JSU American Marketing Association will be conducting this campaign each semester in an effort to educate and inspire donation advocates.
For more information about JSU-AMA e-mail Professor Catching at